on 18 January, 2017

Marine Engineering - Course Description & Scope

  • Marine engineers engage in construction and maintenance of sailing vessels. This also includes the supervision of engine crew involved in operating the machines, and checking for smooth functioning of all steam engines, electric motors, propulsive engines etc. Marine engineers are continually striving to improve the efficiencies of existing shipboard conventional steam, gas turbine, diesel, and nuclear propulsion plants. Marine engineers are exploring new technologies such as superconductivity, magneto hydrodynamics, fuel cells, and ocean thermal energy. Deals with the design, manufacture and operation of ship engines and machinery. This also includes the supervision of engine crew involved in operating the machines and checking for smooth functioning of all steam engines, electric motors, propulsive engines etc.

Job Prospects:

  • Marine engineers in India don’t find too much work very easily. Although core mechanical companies like L&T do hire marine engineers, the job profile is never really related to their field. However, after a good MS abroad, life can be pretty much a ‘smooth sail’ for marine engineers

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Course Descriptions