on 17 January, 2017

Online Admission Process For GTU Engineering & Pharmacy Colleges by ACPC

Admission to all the pharmacy & engineering colleges under GTU are done via a simple online procedure conducted by Admission Committee for Professtional Courses (ACPC). It is described below in brief:

1. Before Online Process begins:

First and foremost, you need to obtain at least 45% marks in 12th science. Secondly, you need to take the JEE-Main exam. To participate in Online Admission Process you need to obtain information booklet (containing a 14 digit PIN number & Password) from nearest branch of Punjab National Bank (PNB).

2. Online Registration:

Register yourself online at using a predefined login id (Jee Main 2014 Roll Number) and password-PIN combination provided with info booklet. Complete the entire registration form by filling in your personal and academic details. Open category candidates can submit these details online whereas students of all the other categories and students requiring tuition fee waiver (TFW) will have to take a printout of registration form and submit it at nearest Help Center (HC) along with necessary documents supporting their claim. After submitting registration form (whether online or physical), don't forget to collect 'Registration Slip'.

You will be allotted a provisional merit number when the provisional merit list comes out. For calculating merit number your 12th marks and JEE-Main marks will be considered in 60:40 proportion respectively. [ Seat Distribution and Branches for all GTU Colleges ]

3. Mock Rounds:

One mock rounds will be conducted in order to get acquainted with the online process. Once the mock round begins, you'll be shown all the possible choices of college/stream that you are eligible for depending on your category/gender/TFWS/group (A/B/AB) after logging in. Fill in college/stream option according to your preference from the choices available to you. You can submit as many options as you wish. Once you are sure about the choices that you wish to submit, make sure to lock them using your 14 digit PIN.

You'll be allotted a seat when the results of mock round come out according to your preferences and merit number. After that you can go through the cutoffs of mock round online at and decide your strategy for further rounds.

4. Regular Round 1:

The regular rounds will also be conducted in exact same way as mock rounds. Seat allotment and cutoff of regular round may vary drastically from mock round.

5. Phase 1 - Allotment of Seats:

CASE-1: You are allotted a seat and you want it
Once you are allotted a seat in round 1, an information letter stating the same will be generated online. If you are happy with that seat then you can proceed to secure the admission by paying part of the tuition fee either online (via debit card/credit card/net banking) or at nearest Punjab National Bank branch by generating bank fee challan.

After paying the fee, approach nearest help center (HC) with 2 print-outs of information letter, receipt of payment of fees and all original certificates. At HC your documents will be scrutinized and after due verification admission on the allotted seat will be confirmed. An admission letter will be generated and its print-out will be given to you. Name of the allotted college and branch will then be written on back of your 12th std marksheet with a permanent marker.

Then you'll have to immediately report to your allotted institute with admission letter, information letter, receipt of fee payment and PHOTO COPIES of all the documents.

Note: You are not required to produce original documents or make any payment till the admission process gets over. Also you'll need to give online consent that you do not wish to participate in subsequent rounds.

CASE-2: You are allotted a seat but you are NOT happy with it

If you are not happy with your allotted seat and wish to go for further round where reshuffling of seats may occur, then you are not required to make payment of fees or report to HC. But you need to give online consent to participate in further round/s of admission.

CASE-3: You are NOT allotted any seat
Well in this case you have no other option but to wait for subsequent rounds of admission.

6. Round 2 & subsequent rounds:

A list of vacant seats will be declared by ACPC after completion of each round. If the ACPC decides to conduct further round of online admission and if you wish to participate in it, you need to give your consent for the same online. You can change/reshuffle your options during the 2nd/next round. If you don't alter your list, your choices from previous round will be considered as it is.

If you were not allotted any seat in previous rounds, you'll still have to give online consent to participate next round.

Procedure to be followed after seat allotment remains same as first round after each round.

7. Offline round:

An offline round may be conducted by ACPC if only, few vacant seats are remaining after final online round.

8. Vacant seats at institute level:

A list of seats still remaining vacant after completion of all online and offline rounds will be published by ACPC. If you wish to take up theese seats, you'll have to apply to each particular college individually by physically going there and filling out fresh form costing Rs 350.

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Admission Process