on 18 January, 2017

Biomedical Engineering - Course Description & Scope

It is a mixture of engineering and medicine. In this field you will be taught about the working and designing of various instruments used for medical purposes. A lot of medical studies, such as anatomy is also involved so students who hate medicine shouldn't go for it. You are also taken to hospitals for visits. On the engineering front subjects based on electronics form the major chunk.


A very specialized engineering domain, but having a very vague syllabus!! You can be forgiven for thinking that you’ll end up designing ECG machines, Defibrillators, X ray machines, etc., but you will land up just mugging up the block diagrams. If by any chance you get to study an electronic circuit of any of the instruments, the circuit will be of the 1970 version of the machine, which makes no sense, really.
It is, however, not a bad branch if you wish to pursue an MS later, because it opens up a wonderful range of options for you.

How the Course Pans Out:

Major Topics of Study What will you do
Second Year
  • Electronic Circuits And Designs
  • Digital And Analog Circuits
  • Electrical Networks
  • Principles Of Communication
Third Year
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  • Signals and Systems
  • Biomedical Instrumentation
  • Medical Imaging
Final Year
  • Biomedical Instrumentation
  • Medical Imaging
  • VLSI
  • Robotics


Biomedical Engineering in a Nutshell:

Job Prospects:

Most Biomedical Engineers get placed at a variety of different hospitals, though they are also eligible for the IT companies that come in. It is always preferable to apply to hospitals externally (ie, off-campus) as well.

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Course Descriptions