on 18 January, 2017
Civil Engineering - Course Description & Scope
One of the core engineering streams, it is related with study of infrastructure and construction of bridges, roads, dams, canals and buildings as well as their maintenance. If your dad’s a builder and you still want to study a bit (which isn’t a bad idea- studying a bit more won’t hurt you), then this is probably one good option for you.
When you think of Civil engineers, you immediately picture a person wearing a hard hat and steeltoed shoes – standing on a construction site and directing the labour to pull up a beam in a specified manner - don't you? Well, that was decades ago.
Civil Engineering has been one of the evergreen branches of core engineering. Nowadays, it has more to it than being a mere construction site manager. You will learn the concepts of building drawing, modern construction equipments and methodologies, town planning, sustainable structures now known as Green Buildings, behaviour of soil and its mechanics, designing of the bridges ( the most amazing part), infrastructure and construction management and estimating the quantity of the required quality of the materials.
How the Course Pans Out:
Major Topics of Study | What will you do |
Second Year | |
Third Year | |
Final Year | |
Civil Engineering in a Nutshell:
Job Prospects:
Civil engineers plan and design bridges and tunnels, as well as highways, airfields, harbours, water and sewage systems, and buildings. They also supervise the construction of such projects to ensure that they are built according to carefully drafted plans. Thus they can expect to get jobs in companies that specialize in these functions, like L&T, etc.
Best When Done From:
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