on 18 January, 2017
Computer Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Coding comprises a huge part of this course. So if you love programming and if your eyes don’t start watering when you spend a good amount of time on the computer, you can go for it. Also involves the hardware part of the computer. One of the in-demand courses.
Arguably the most popular branch for engineering currently, Computer Engineering sees the highest of cutoffs everywhere. This makes some sense, considering the huge number of jobs available for computer engineers, and the pretty fantastic options available for further study as well. As a computer engineer, you don't make computers, but you specialize in the intricacies of what goes on inside them.
There will be tremendous amounts of coding involved in computer engineering, and a great deal of it can be boring to start off with, but the subjects get more and more interesting as you move on, since you then start designing real-world applications.
How the Course Pans Out:
Major Topics of Study | What will you do |
Second Year | |
Third Year | |
Final Year | |
Computer Engineering in a Nutshell:
Job Prospects:
Great job prospects. Most students get placed, regardless of college. A computer engineer continues doing what he’s been doing for years, i.e.- coding! Expect IT companies like Accenture, TCS, Infosys and Wipro to visit your college.
Best When Done From:
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