on 06 November, 2012
on 06 November, 2012
ATMA :: AIMS Test For Management Admissions Notification & Important Dates
ATMA 2012 (December) and 2013 (February) Notification
AIMS Test for Management Admissions, more popularly known as ATMA will be held on 9th December 2012. Registrations have begun from 11th October 2012 onwards and new entries will be accepted up to 5th December 2012. The application fees is Rs. 1050/- and more information including institutes that accept ATMA scores can be found on their website While the test on 5th December 2012 is an online test, the paper-based version will be held on 17th February 2013. Registrations for the same will begin from 10th December, 2012 and continue up to 7th February, 2013. Both the tests will be held from 2pm to 5pm.
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