on 14 June, 2012

Shanu Fatehpuria - MBA from Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong


Name: Shanu Fatehpuria
Graduation College : Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
Course: BCA
Graduation Aggregate: 8.66/10 (CGPA)
Pursuing/Pursued MBA from: Indian Institute of Management, Shillong
Corresponding entrance test & score :
Common Admission Test (CAT), 98.75 %ile


GD/PI calls from:

  • Indian Institute of Management, Indore
  • Indian Institute of Management, Shillong


GD/PI calls converted:

  • Indian Institute of Management, Shillong


Entrance Exams appeared: CAT



I started my CAT preparation one year before the CAT exams. I was very particular in attending the classes that I had joined for my preparation. Since start my aim was to be in line with the topics covered in the class. This made the time management task for me really easy. I was not so particular regarding putting hours per day but I was very particular regarding the plan made for every week. I used to plan every Sunday and try and complete the coming week according to the available time with one day off. Later in last month I made a point to plan out both my college work as well as my preparation for CAT putting more effort towards CAT.


I mostly used the materials given to me by my class. I would solve all of those problem sets.
After that I used the following books:
• Quatum CAT – Sarvesh Verma
• LRDI - Arun Sharma

Procrastination was my biggest weakness, which I believe is common during the graduation days. I had overcome that by making a point to not take a day off whenever the plan made by me lied uncompleted.


Advice to juniors:

According to me, while preparing one should keep some things in mind
• Coaching classes are not at all necessary if you get proper study material with you, with your determination you can study yourself
• Never force yourself to study, do only what you like
• Keep solving your doubts, don’t pile them up
• Do things with proper planning and direction
• Never compare yourself with others as everyone is not the same.
•One more thing, it is really important not to work hard but smart. Make out a way for your desires as well as needs, nothing is impossible. IIMs are actually worth the hard work .


Experience in MBA Institute:

The Environment is brilliant. The Scenic beauty around the campus and the peace at night, all makes it really a beautiful life in campus. The Batch being small has great bonding among each other. Diversity is generally prevalent in this place making peer to peer learning a great experience. Batch-mates as well as Seniors both are helpful in terms of learning and enjoyment at the same time.

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MBA / Management