on 22 May, 2014

Centralised Admission Process (CAP) - 2014 Admission |

Merit list of Centralised Admission Process (CAP) - 2014
July 04, 2014

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra recently uploaded the schedule of the CAP 2014. The Final Merit List Will be out on 9th July on the basis of which every candidate will get his/her unique State merit Rank (SMR). Students can check the Schedule below :

Merit list of Centralised Admission Process (CAP) - 2014
July 04, 2014

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra recently uploaded the schedule of the CAP 2014. The Final Merit List Will be out on 9th July on the basis of which every candidate will get his/her unique State merit Rank (SMR). Students can check the Schedule below :

Activity Date
Display Of Provisional Merit List 05-07-2014 at 5:00 pm
Submission of Grievances, if any,
at respective ARCs.
From 06-07-2014 to
08-07-2014 upto 5:00 PM
Display of Final Merit List. 10-07-2014
at 8:00 PM


Related Information:

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Centralised Admission Process (CAP) - 2014 Admission Notification
May 22, 2014

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra recently uploaded the Information Brochure Regarding the Admission to First Year of four Year Full time Degree courses in Engineering/Technology And Institute Information For the academic Year 2014-15. Students can Download the Information from The Official DTE website. Students can now have a look at it and Keep themselves updated with the revised admission process which is soon going to begin.

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra recently uploaded the schedule of the CAP 2014. The Final Merit List Will be out on 9th July on the basis of which every candidate will get his/her unique State merit Rank (SMR). Students can check the Schedule below :

This Brochure gives the rules and information regarding the eligibility for admission to the first year of various courses in Engineering/Technology including Autonomous Institutes in the state of Maharashtra and also gives definition of various types of candidatures. These rules govern the aspects of the Centralised Admission Process (CAP) And It also gives the rules and information regarding the Distribution of seats under various heads i.e. Home University, Outside Home University, Institute Level seats, Minority Seats, ALL INDIA seats etc.; details of the Reservation Of seats, Fees concession offered to eligible candidates, details of the Centralised Admission Process, details of the Admission rounds, Institute/Course wise information, etc.

The Admission Process Is more or less the same with a few changes in it with a major change of JEE Main replacing MHT-CET. Also Along with the JEE Main score(Accounting 50% of the overall result), marks secured in Physics,Chemistry and Maths in 12th Qualifying Board Examination will also be considered which will account for the rest 50% result. Equal Importance will be given to both the scores and on the of basis of which every student will get his/her unique State Merit Rank (SMR).

Keep checking the Admissions tab on as we announe more updates about B.E Admissions 2014.



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