on 24 September, 2012

Zephyr 2012 - Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali, Mumbai

TCET’s Zephyr 2012

Thakur College of Engineering & Technology is proud to present the technical Extravaganza “TCET’s Zephyr” from 26th to 28th of September. The festival not only includes technical events but also non-technical events & modified sports.

TCET’s Zephyr 2012

Thakur College of Engineering & Technology is proud to present the technical Extravaganza “TCET’s Zephyr” from 26th to 28th of September. The festival not only includes technical events but also non-technical events & modified sports.

Events -

1) Technical Paper Presentation - TPP should have a catchy title which can engage your audience and should have proper content and format. Try to illustrate some real world examples with the help of charts and graphs.

2) Angry Birds - In the game, players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various boxes, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playing area. There are three levels in this game. Each level has a different idea with different complexity.

3) Laser Trap - The player is given a laser. He has to reach from one point to the other. The best one wins!!

4) Diffuse the Bomb - It is a treasure Hunt where the user gets so me clues and according to the clues he has to correctly cut a particular wire and diffuse the bomb.

5)Blind C – It is a programming game where an individual programmer writes the code on his PC. The name is given as “Blind C” which means that the programmer has to perform coding with the monitor screen being off. 

6) Bluffmaster - A game where you can flaunt your capability of having poker face. Each player will be allotted a PC and will be asked a question. The bluffmasters’s screen will have all the answers and the other players will have only the questions. The bluffmaster will pretend as if he has no answers on his screen. Bluff the world and win!!!

7)Technical Quiz - It is a game in which the player plays a quiz regarding a particular topic. You can participate in our Quiz and test your knowledge as well learn new things through fun.

8) Programming Contest - A game where the player is given a topic on the spot. The player has to write the code for the given topic. The best one wins!!

9)Programming Treasure Hunt - Programming treasure hunt is a technical event which has a group of 2 players. This event includes some part of programming in java and the rest includes hunting for clues. Each group gets a clue and a token on every level and has to put efforts in order to solve each and every clue. They need to hunt at different places and ultimately reach the destination. At the destination they should have all the tokens provided to them at each level. If they lose to have the tokens then they’ll be disqualified.

10)Circuitronics - In this game the player has to use different components like resistors and capacitors in order to create an amplifier within a given time limit.

11)Super sixes

12)Box cricket

13)Rink football

Festival Date : 26th September 2012 to 28th September 2012.
Contact Person : Rishabh Jain (9833663943)
Website –

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