on 07 November, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Should Work Abroad

48% of Indian Employers view international experience through work or study abroad as a valuable asset. Working abroad will certainly be advantageous to your future career, not just because of the if the skills it provides to you, but also for environment for growth it creates, to give you an edge over your peers. Indians are shining across the world, but how much of a role do you think the country has played in their growth and success? Why is it that every India-origin person to win a Nobel after independence in the sciences is not an Indian citizen any more? All of them flowered only because they left India, and not because they were Indians per se. They left India behind. This article by firstpost really did open up our mind about the matter and make us believe even more in why the Youth Global Internship Program is important for every young individual in our country, and why you should take a break from the rat-race you're stuck in currently and work in a completely different cultural and professional environment.

Here are 10 reasons why you should work abroad if you're already a graduate:

  1. Enhance your communication skills:

Working in another country means interacting with people from cultures that are different from your own. this multi-cultural learning experience teaches you how to confidently put across your opinions and views.

  1. Learn to be Flexible:

Living and working in a foreign country is bound to throw hurdles your way. An international work experience not only looks great on your CV, it also to teaches you to be flexible, and how to adapt to change.

  1. Develop Your Leadership Skills:

A characteristic that is unique to our Professional Internship programme is that it thrusts you into a completely new environment and allows you to take control of the outcome. Being a YGIP Participant, you will lead and manage a team of young individuals from different cultural realities. Amongst the many things that working abroad will teach you, is Leadership skills.

  1. Develop Your Interpersonal Skills:

As a YGIP Participant, you will interact and work with people from different cultures, who are likely to have mindsets and opinions that differ from yours. Working abroad tests how well you can manage people. Not only does it teach you team dynamics, it will also develop your interpersonal skills.

  1. Develop a Global Mindset:

Working abroad will expose you to new cultures, big ideas, and unique outlooks. It will teach you how to move away from narrow ways of thinking, and help you understand how, and why, in a global economy, everything is interconnected.

  1. Improve your problem solving skills:

Being a YGIP participant involves working in a multi-cultural environment, and will introduce you to a whole new set of issues that you wouldn't encounter in a local workspace. It teaches you how to deal with workplace issues in an international context.

  1. Develop Professionalism:

Working in another country will definitely involve a whole new set of challenges, both in the professional as well as personal context. Learn how to deal with your everyday challenges in a professional manner.

  1. Build a Global Network:

Working abroad, you will meet people from all over the world. Our Paid professional internships programme guarantees not only a multi-cultural experience that adds value to your CV, but also a close network of friends all around the globe.

  1. Developing Project Management Skills:

As a YGIP participant, you will be expected to lead and manage a team, set and achieve targets, and work on projects that are as challenging as they are rewarding.

  1. Develop Self Confidence:

Working abroad is a challenging experience that add will add value not only to your CV but also to your personality. It will teach you to thrive in new environments, and make decisions for yourself.

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