on 08 June, 2013

A New Life and An Apology

"God, Mom, you have no idea how it feels to work 10 hours a day, okay?" - this brilliant line was said by none other than yours truly second day into my job. Yes, I said this to my mom who's been working in a bank for 25 years now. And takes care of a very old mother-in-law. And apparently, an ungrateful daughter.

Oh, in case you guys don't follow, I graduated a month ago. And started working as a Software Developer last week. Yes, a lot has passed. Guess I sort of gave up on blogging for a while. But I am back. And hopefully, this'll last longer than the occasional post every other month. So anyway, as I was saying, work is difficult. It is no walk in the park. It is no college either. There are no lectures I can bunk at will, no "Oh, let's go to Lonavla!" whenever we feel like it, or just a half-hour flight back home to meet my parents.

Life is all about following a schedule now. Sleep at 11, max 12, or you won't get up at 7. Are your clothes ironed? Do you know what your senior is asking you to do? We're still at the trainee phase right now, and I already find it difficult. Okay, the work itself isn't difficult... following the discipline it requires is.

Our college farewell was around two months ago. We all cried towards the end. No, really, we did. The girls cried, the guys cried, the teachers cried. (Okay, I was kidding about the last bit) And all of us consoled each other with, "This is not the end! We still have our practicals, and our exams. A long time to go, baba." That was a lie. There is no "long time to go", it is all over now. Some are doing their VISA prep, others are updating their Facebook statuses to "VISA approved! USA calling!", others are just lazying around at home - waiting for their DOJs (okay, that's Date of Joining, guys) while others are busy working. I am in the last category.

God, everything feels different. I haven't worn my college ID or seen my dear college Amphitheatre, or my friends and teachers in two weeks. Believe it or not, it's been only two weeks and I am whining like I am 30, and on my way to my ten-year college reunion. I guess that's life. Partitioned into phases. Good phases or bad phases - all end some day.

Oh, one new thing about me: I need coffee at least twice a day now. Yeah, weird. It's hard to function without a decent amount of caffeine in me. I guess now I understand my mom and dad going, "Chaha banavala, ka?" (Is the tea ready?) in the morning to each other.

People ask me how it feels to be working, to be contributing to a living, breathing company. I say, I don't know. I don't feel it yet. Someday I will. Someday.

In the meantime, I'd like to say this to my mom: I am really very sorry for yelling at you the other day. I understand now what you feel, but what I don't understand is how you manage to go to work, be a housewife, and a mother all at the same time. I hope I do one day.

(Alright, I admit it is cheesy to put up an apology online but I know my mom will love it)

P.S. It feels pretty good to be blogging again. If there is someone out there reading this, I hope you missed me.

Image Courtsey: virtualbooktours

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