Manya Abroad
on 17 December, 2014

Advanced Placement: Why take this exam?

A high school student has enough on his plate and suggesting that he takes on more will be a kind of punishment, but consider this. If the high school student is average in his studies and not particularly enthused with the school curriculum fields namely math, science, biology, chemistry, but has deep aspirations to do his majors in literature then AP courses and exams would be the best option to explore. He could sign in for AP English literature classes and this decision of his would reflect immensely in his favor. Admission officers are truly appreciative of high school students who voluntarily take on college level courses and the rigors associated with undergraduate study at such a young age. Even if the GPA is not as good as it should be, a student who has an AP on his transcript stands a great chance with eclectic admission officers, who value the willingness of the student to take on the challenges of college-level course work and expectations as a priceless possession. By taking the AP you not only distinguish yourself in the high school and in the admission process, you are also building the skill sets required to come up trumps in the undergraduate environment.

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Now that you know the merit of taking an AP test, you would want to know how to choose the right subject, since not all have a clear vision of what they wish to eventually pursue as a career. Well, you could approach your senior teachers in school who would be able to envisage a right course of study keeping you latent talents in mind, or you could pick a course that fancies you at the moment. Even if you do not wish to major in the subject you have picked, the AP course you have studied can help you place out of your college’s general education requirements. This means that you could forfeit some elementary course of study and spend more time on a second major or on following other interests in new ways.

How tough are the AP courses? They can be intimidating but a dauntless student, who enjoys traveling roads not taken, would not be intimidated. If you wish to know more about the political history of America or the nuances of the German language and culture because you love the Mercedes and want to know more about the people who made such a car, then AP courses give you the wherewithal to know all this and more. Interest drives away the fear and studying becomes a joy not a chore!

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What are the credits to aim for? The AP course is not a mandatory one, hence it is not score driven. While 5 credits would be most desirable, a 3 is not written off. . Many colleges grant credit and placement as well based on a 3 on an AP exam. The bonus of getting a good score is that you can save on college expenses. Currently more than 90 percent of colleges and universities across the country offer college credit, advanced placement, or both, for qualifying AP Exam scores. These credits can potentially save students and their families thousands of dollars in college tuition, fees and textbook costs, which can transform what once seemed unaffordable into something within reach.

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How is AP placed in India? Advanced Placement courses are currently offered in various high schools in India. AP gives Indian students the opportunity to showcase their academic strengths to thousands of colleges and universities in the USA, Canada, and the U.K. Singapore, Australia and other countries. The College Board authorizes educational organizations like the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) and selects schools in India to securely administer AP Exams at designated test centers. Registration and test center information for 2015 AP Exams will become available next year.


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Manya Abroad

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