Rajesh Ravi
on 12 October, 2011

Job Coaching Classes

Well, all students go for tuitions or classes in 10th and in 12th. It’s understandable considering the fact that the teachers in schools and junior colleges aren’t exactly Dronacharya (who am I kidding? They don’t even come close). Another statement I could make to justify this is that these are people 15-17 years of age and they aren’t officially adults yet. But what happens when they turn 18? Believe it or not, engineering students, that’s right, the people whose minds supposedly have maximum inclination towards science (by this we also assume that they like thinking for themselves) join classes. Okay, I think I’m being a little too rude here, so let me try justifying this as well.

When they enter the 1st year (18-19 years of age), they’ve just come from the world of 12th tuition classes. They’re used to being spoon-fed so fine, let’s give them some leverage. It’s going to take them another year to learn to think for themselves. Then, they come into 2nd year (19-20 years of age). Still, for some reason, half of them are still going for classes. If you ask why, they say “Some of the subjects are too difficult. We can’t understand anything. We’re HUNGRY. WE NEED TO BE FED. FEEEEEEEED UUUUUS!!!!!!!!!”. Did that sound too rude? Fine, let’s give them some more leverage. They’re still in their teens. Then they enter 3rd year (20-21 years of age. The age where maturity is supposed to come to them). Half of the students are still going for classes! WTF?

Suddenly, I realize that they don’t want to think for themselves. Another thing I realize is that engineering tuition classes/private tutors are stinking rich. And this is when an idea comes to me. Most engineering students go for MS after which they work in the technical field. So I think to myself why not start tuition classes that help you with your office projects. I shall call it ‘JOB TUITION CLASSES’. Oh wait. These are people who’ve done their MS abroad and have mugged up hi-fi words from flash cards for their entrance exams. So I’ll call it ‘JOB COACHING CLASSES’ (Tuition sounds so………you know……….{no words form flash cards striking them now}………….tuitions is for kids……..I go for coaching classes).

JOB COACHING CLASSES. Covers all technical fields from manufacturing to IT, from construction to electronics, from bio-medical to chemical. Whatever be your job profile, whatever may be the project on hand, whatever be the deadline, JOB COACHING CLASSES will do it for you for a nominal fees of Rs. 25000/- per month (come on man, you people will be earning a lot after your MS). OK, fine, to make you feel better and less useless, JOB COACHING CLASSES will ‘help you do your project on your own’ (hehe……on your own….hehe). And you will be taught by the best of the best, your very own engineering college professors (since they have no work in life anyway). So join JOB COACHING CLASSES now and get deluxe flash cards FREE.

-We feed the needy

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Rajesh Ravi

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Student Articles