on 13 May, 2014

Mismanagement by MU costs students heavily

Much touted Mumbai University’s electronic assessment of engineering papers has been facing some flak by the students. What was said to be an advanced approach towards paper correction has now become a nightmare for the students as several students have been assessed "failed" in their semesters.

Things started looking fishy immediately when the University could produce the mark statements to the students only after 90 days of the examination in violation to its mandatory rule of declaring results within 45 days. The teachers were given the scanned copies of the semester papers of students instead of the otherwise physical copies they were previously accustomed to get for correction. And that is where all the trouble began.

Record breaking number of ATKTs has been witnessed this time, suspiciously coinciding with the introduction of the new system of electronic correction. Even college toppers who never scored less than 80% - 85% marks have seen an all time low of 65% - 75%. As much as 15% drop in overall results has been witnessed and assessed by students. Distressed and shocked students went to the University to complain about this flawed marking and many sent their papers for re-evaluation but all in vain. Students have received the photo copies of their papers only 2 days before the KT papers they have to appear for.

These photo copies evidently render a clear picture about the mismanagement and unprofessional handling of papers by the University. Papers have been corrected erroneously and marks have been given, it seems, by the whims and fancies of the teachers. Many of the scanned copies have been found be to inappropriately arranged and have gone uncorrected. A lot of students have been given photocopies of papers which are not theirs. Excluding these problems, many students have found out that supplements are missing from their papers.

Anand, a 4th year student from SPIT who has approached the officials from the University for this debacle says “many students are now ineligible for their final year placements due to these live/dead KTs, even students who have never hovered around the “just passed” and maintained good grades have got KTs, much to their surprise. There are students who have never scored less than 80 in their papers and getting scores like 1 out of 100 this time, which is impossible to believe”

He adds that “students who have been placed will face a lot trouble, the companies won't accept them with these live/dead KTs. The University is playing with the careers of helpless students which is completely unacceptable.”

Omkar, an engineering student of the Mumbai University says “In my entire academic career I have never failed or got appalling scores and it's not only difficult to accept these marks but also a black spot on my otherwise spotless record. Over 25 thousand students have been wrongly failed by the university due to erroneous correction and slipshod evaluation of marks by the teachers. Re-evaluated papers and increase in marks only happen after students have given the supplementary exams”

Omkar, after taking help from student rights activists like Vihar Druve, has filed many RTI applications that have revealed the blunders made by MU and taken the matter to the Tribunal.

Though the officials have promised to ensure a fair probe into the matter, it seems highly unlikely that the students will benefit out of the probe in time. Students are stressed and clueless. Moreover, the Mumbai University has been constantly criticized for its lax in functioning properly. Helpless students, snubbed by the University officials have now found the courts of law as their only hope. But it is an issue of concern when we realize that these problems are not new and time and again, Mumbai University has put the life of students in jeopardy. Will there be an end to this predicament?

Reported by Sandeep Dash for Stupidsid. Sandeep is a young activist who loves to write and get involved in productive arguments. Still learning! Twitter: @SandeepDashID

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