Stupidsid Reporter
on 26 February, 2013

Overseas Education Remains First Preference

In a latest poll conducted on stupidsid about what a student would want to do after graduating, a major chunk (48%) of the voters contributed to Studying Overseas upon completion of their course. Of the remaining, close to 28% users voted in favour of taking a up a job immediately after graduation while 14% opted for Management (MBA) courses in India and a mere 10% were inclined towards starting their own venture/entrepreneurship.

Higher Education Abroad

Over the last few years, there has been a rising graph to the number of students planning to study abroad. Majority of the voters preferred to stick to their decision of choosing countries like US, Canada, Germany and UK for higher studies. Moreover, UK recently removed the cap on number of Indian students for higher education and staying there after completing the course. So pursuing Masters in UK, which at most universities is a one-year program, shall once again be considered by numerous students.

"I am confident of studying Management courses once I complete engineering. I am planning to apply to more universities in the USA as the overall prospects are better than other countries. Now, I'll can also consider applying to a few universities in UK since the cap is removed", smiles Anuja. 

MBA in India

In recent newspaper articles, it showed that getting jobs post MBA in India is extremely difficult. One of the articles stated that only 10 percent of the MBA grads get a noteworthy job while the rest are either juggling between a higher pay package or a desireable work domain. "These recent news were a warning that I should rethink my decision of pursuing MBA right at this moment", says Mahant, a fourth year engineering student. "My seniors who are currently studying in Jamanalal Bajaj, SP Jain and other top B-schools in Mumbai are struggling to get a good job. It is very important to have a striking resume if you're looking fat pay packages and satisfactory work nature", he adds in self-realisation.

Barring a few colleges, fees at reputed B-schools are no longer cheap. The prestigious IIMs charge around 12 to 16 lakhs for the entire course. If the market situation is so tight and getting a job is tough, it is better to pursue Masters from abroad as the 'Investment and Return on Investment' is much higher when compared to India. And for those whose financially sound, education loan can make your path much smoother.

work experience

Students who want to take time in deciding their career can always prefer to opt for a job as it gives them a good idea where they they see a future in the respective field. For those self-respecting independent kids who want to sponsor their own higher education, also prefer to take up a job.

When Stupidsid Reporter spoke to Anshul, he said, "My brother is currently pursuing his MBA from one of the top B-schools and he wants me to get some industry experience before joining any management school. Students with job experience always have an upper edge when it comes to placements. They're well versed with the corporate background and have seen challenges at work. CV becomes stronger. Getting a job becomes much easier as compared to freshers", continues Anshul, who is one of the 28% voters keen to take up a (finance) job after graduation.

i'll do something on my own..

Coming to the hot favourite cum 'risky' parameter - Entrepreneurship. Even though every Indian student dreams of the likes of Ratan Tata, Narayan Murthy or the foreign and popular inspirations like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerbeg, the total vote count to 'start a own venture' was mere 10%. "Young minds are always raw and fresh. India is rated as one of the top countries in terms of producing engineers with flair and talent. They've stunning ideas but implementation is a huge problem. Hence, most of the starts up either fail or discontinue their work till they understand every nuance of the business", says Bhavin - a mentor to start-ups.

Whatever be the outcome in the near future, as of now majority of the students prefer to leave their motherland and choose foreign countries for higher education.

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Stupidsid Reporter

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