on 14 August, 2013
The Young And The Restless..
We are the pillars of a nation,
From us there are great expectations.
Yeah! We are the young and the restless,
Maybe we are fast, but we are not soulless.
We can achieve some impossible things,
But in this country, they clip our wings.
From birth, we are forced in a rat race,
A race: having no soul, no grace.
We are rebels, rebels of a different kind,
And we have some revolutionary ideas in our mind.
But alas! These ideas are destined to rust,
Because in this rat race, we are supposed to come first!
Some desire to show the world their art,
But end up making a firm’s performance chart.
Some want to explore their sporting skills,
But eventually are trapped in the 9-5 drills.
When someone tries to change the system,
They end up becoming a part of that system.
A system, where you are not supposed to dream,
Where no one will hear, even if you scream!
Under this killing pressure, some win while some lose,
And many don’t go the way, they wanted to choose.
Yet, sometimes we rise against the odds,
And the envious say, it’s all because of the gods.
Give us a chance and we will show what we are,
We have the vision & ability to go very far.
A vision to create a beautiful world,
Where everyone will live and everyone will be heard.
We have ideas; we just want to fly,
Where the only limit; is the infinite sky.
Maybe we are fast, but we are not soulless,
Yeah! We are the young and the restless..
Image and Caption Source - Bollywood Movie, Udaan
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