BITS, Pilani Campus
Hyderabad, Hyderabad | Affiliated to BITS University
4.3 11 reviews 0 interested
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avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at BITSPC
- ME in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Biotechology Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Petroleum Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Computer Science Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceuital Chemistry Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics Avg. cutoff: NA
- MS in Master of Business Management Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Power Electronics and Drives Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Structural Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Embedded Systems Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Transportation Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Software Systems Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
BITS, Pilani Campus, (BITSPC),Jawahar Nagar,Shameerpet Mandal, Hyderabad,
Hyderabad, Telangana
Phone: 91-04066303999
Email: [email protected]
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

just now
Although BITS Pilani is a reputed institute, the Hyderabad campus is relatively new. Currently, there’s a combination of junior and senior professors. And essentially the senior professors take the core subjects that come in the later years. Senior Profs re experienced and good teachers. The less important subjects are taken by junior professors. But the issue here is that the college has very few senior profs, only 3 out of 10 would be senior. But luckily, there’s a system of course rotation in BITS, that ensures one teacher doesn’t keep teaching the same subject all his life, thus this system ensures the bad teachers are get better or thrown out. Qualification wise all of them are Ph.D. and masters’ and even have a few patents under their hoods, but when it comes to teaching a course, students are not totally convinced. But it’s also understood, that the IIT’s score above BITS in this case, here may be its comparable with the newer NIT’s. Technical knowledge and exposure might be more at the IIT’s but at BITS; the overall development is much remarkable. Students nevertheless study hard, and learning stays unaffected. Even projects that students take up are pretty interesting.
just now
Although BITS Pilani is a reputed institute, the Hyderabad campus is relatively new. Currently, there’s a combination of junior and senior professors. And essentially the senior professors take the core subjects that come in the later years. Senior Profs re experienced and good teachers. The less important subjects are taken by junior professors. But the issue here is that the college has very few senior profs, only 3 out of 10 would be senior. But luckily, there’s a system of course rotation in BITS, that ensures one teacher doesn’t keep teaching the same subject all his life, thus this system ensures the bad teachers are get better or thrown out. Qualification wise all of them are Ph.D. and masters’ and even have a few patents under their hoods, but when it comes to teaching a course, students are not totally convinced. But it’s also understood, that the IIT’s score above BITS in this case, here may be its comparable with the newer NIT’s. Technical knowledge and exposure might be more at the IIT’s but at BITS; the overall development is much remarkable. Students nevertheless study hard, and learning stays unaffected. Even projects that students take up are pretty interesting.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

just now
The sprawling 200 acre campus, welcomes you with its magnificent huge gates, and a couple of modern shinny glassy buildings. With the campus not landscaped into a flat piece of land, but rather left in its natural state amidst the rocks, and the hillocks. With the educational blocks (A to G) taking the higher ground, and the residential blocks downhill. The road leading towards the college blocks from the hostel is beautiful with a rock garden leading into the stairs carved into the rocks that must have existed there. Of course there are cement roads for the vehicles too, but none as beautiful as the one meant to walk.
The infrastructure of the academic block is absolutely world class, well furnished and well planned. All classes are air-conditioned. Blocks for various departments, libraries, the SAC (student activity centre) are all separated. An auditorium is under construction, and you can expect it to have the same standards. Library is mainly used for studying, peaceful reading, and using reference books. And as a trend, most buy books used by seniors, so that they get books which are reliable. Apart from that PDF’s and PPT’s are provided by teachers or seniors, which in a way are better resources than textbooks also. Literary work is also available at the library. Wi-Fi connectivity and internet is available in the main campus, for other places, there are LAN ports, for wired connections. Running at about 10Mbps, internet is fast and reliable.
just now
The sprawling 200 acre campus, welcomes you with its magnificent huge gates, and a couple of modern shinny glassy buildings. With the campus not landscaped into a flat piece of land, but rather left in its natural state amidst the rocks, and the hillocks. With the educational blocks (A to G) taking the higher ground, and the residential blocks downhill. The road leading towards the college blocks from the hostel is beautiful with a rock garden leading into the stairs carved into the rocks that must have existed there. Of course there are cement roads for the vehicles too, but none as beautiful as the one meant to walk.
The infrastructure of the academic block is absolutely world class, well furnished and well planned. All classes are air-conditioned. Blocks for various departments, libraries, the SAC (student activity centre) are all separated. An auditorium is under construction, and you can expect it to have the same standards. Library is mainly used for studying, peaceful reading, and using reference books. And as a trend, most buy books used by seniors, so that they get books which are reliable. Apart from that PDF’s and PPT’s are provided by teachers or seniors, which in a way are better resources than textbooks also. Literary work is also available at the library. Wi-Fi connectivity and internet is available in the main campus, for other places, there are LAN ports, for wired connections. Running at about 10Mbps, internet is fast and reliable.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

just now
Established in 2008, only one batch has been out yet, and the placements have been good in the first season. But this year on, students expect it only to get better over time. Campus placement is the best for CSE departments, and about 80% placements overall. With a whole host of companies visiting the campus, from different sectors; like Financial Analysis, Software/ IT, Electronics, and big players including Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Samsung, Morgan Stanley and many more. EPIC Systems offered 58 Lakh Rupees job to 5 students. Microsoft offered 10 students an offer of 16 Lakh a year. Qualcomm also recruits a few students. Mass recruiters, like TCS and Infosys came towards the end of the season. An area where it can work harder is; attracting more core companies for non software/IT branches, like ECE, and Mechanical Engineering. Although students say Honda and Shell had visited the campus, and hired a few students, but for a lesser salary. The trend that’s observed here, that almost 90% of the people take up jobs, and only about 10% people opt for higher studies.
just now
Established in 2008, only one batch has been out yet, and the placements have been good in the first season. But this year on, students expect it only to get better over time. Campus placement is the best for CSE departments, and about 80% placements overall. With a whole host of companies visiting the campus, from different sectors; like Financial Analysis, Software/ IT, Electronics, and big players including Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Samsung, Morgan Stanley and many more. EPIC Systems offered 58 Lakh Rupees job to 5 students. Microsoft offered 10 students an offer of 16 Lakh a year. Qualcomm also recruits a few students. Mass recruiters, like TCS and Infosys came towards the end of the season. An area where it can work harder is; attracting more core companies for non software/IT branches, like ECE, and Mechanical Engineering. Although students say Honda and Shell had visited the campus, and hired a few students, but for a lesser salary. The trend that’s observed here, that almost 90% of the people take up jobs, and only about 10% people opt for higher studies.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

just now
Located in Shamirpet, BITS Pilani's Hyderabad Campus is far disconnected from the major urban areas of Hyderabad. There’s wilderness around, with the terrain consisting of hillocks, and is about 5Km from the Nehru Ring Road. Once on that road, there are enough sign boards to guide you to the college. And if you lose track of where you are, all you can do is hope to find a villager around, to guide you through. We had a tough time reaching the college, and it took us a 4-5km ride around hillocks, and tiny Ghats to get here through a village. So basically, it’s cut out from the world. Only one RTC route – 212 plies here from Secunderabad station, so students can use this when going to the city. 211 series of RTC Routes drop you around the college in a radius of about 1Km.
Being a completely residential course, everyone is supposed to stay in the college hostel, so students really do not have to worry about the daily commute. The campus seems isolated from the world, but in fact is a complete world in itself, and indeed a beautiful one.
just now
Located in Shamirpet, BITS Pilani's Hyderabad Campus is far disconnected from the major urban areas of Hyderabad. There’s wilderness around, with the terrain consisting of hillocks, and is about 5Km from the Nehru Ring Road. Once on that road, there are enough sign boards to guide you to the college. And if you lose track of where you are, all you can do is hope to find a villager around, to guide you through. We had a tough time reaching the college, and it took us a 4-5km ride around hillocks, and tiny Ghats to get here through a village. So basically, it’s cut out from the world. Only one RTC route – 212 plies here from Secunderabad station, so students can use this when going to the city. 211 series of RTC Routes drop you around the college in a radius of about 1Km.
Being a completely residential course, everyone is supposed to stay in the college hostel, so students really do not have to worry about the daily commute. The campus seems isolated from the world, but in fact is a complete world in itself, and indeed a beautiful one.
Top Hostels Reviews ALL Hostels REVIEWS

just now
The hostels are also good, and are pretty well maintained. Single rooms are provided to everyone, from the 1st to the 4th year. The hostels again are planned in different blocks. Rooms are nice, and bathrooms hygienic. Solar water heaters are setup to utilize the free energy and provide students without hurting the environment additionally. Water coolers are installed at regular intervals around in the hostels. SAC (students activity centre) is a separate building, where students laze around, discuss things, plan events, and enjoy time with friends. At the far end of the campus are the football ground, basketball and tennis courts, all of them pretty decent. The hostel internet is comparatively slower, because of higher sharing. With regards to timings, the latest you need to get back to the college campus is 10 P.M. Evenings are cooler, and strolling in the campus is enjoyable. Hostel food is good, and hygienic, but over time students have got bored, but there’s a student mess council which manages the menu, and tries to get in variety regularly. There’s a State Bank of Hyderabad branch on campus in CP. Connaught Place (CP) which is a small market place for the students, with a restaurant, laundry service, beauty parlours, a medical store, and a supermarket – MORE. A medical centre next to the CP block takes care of primary treatment and medication of the students.
just now
The hostels are also good, and are pretty well maintained. Single rooms are provided to everyone, from the 1st to the 4th year. The hostels again are planned in different blocks. Rooms are nice, and bathrooms hygienic. Solar water heaters are setup to utilize the free energy and provide students without hurting the environment additionally. Water coolers are installed at regular intervals around in the hostels. SAC (students activity centre) is a separate building, where students laze around, discuss things, plan events, and enjoy time with friends. At the far end of the campus are the football ground, basketball and tennis courts, all of them pretty decent. The hostel internet is comparatively slower, because of higher sharing. With regards to timings, the latest you need to get back to the college campus is 10 P.M. Evenings are cooler, and strolling in the campus is enjoyable. Hostel food is good, and hygienic, but over time students have got bored, but there’s a student mess council which manages the menu, and tries to get in variety regularly. There’s a State Bank of Hyderabad branch on campus in CP. Connaught Place (CP) which is a small market place for the students, with a restaurant, laundry service, beauty parlours, a medical store, and a supermarket – MORE. A medical centre next to the CP block takes care of primary treatment and medication of the students.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

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There’s a nice and big cafeteria in the academic block, with decent variety of snack and meals available. This is popular with students during class hours, and while they’re studying in the library. Food at the cafeteria is tasty, and samosas, particularly are a favourite. At the CP, there’s a nice little restaurant also.
just now
There’s a nice and big cafeteria in the academic block, with decent variety of snack and meals available. This is popular with students during class hours, and while they’re studying in the library. Food at the cafeteria is tasty, and samosas, particularly are a favourite. At the CP, there’s a nice little restaurant also.
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

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By now, you must have realized that, the campus is an entire world in itself, unlike other city colleges. So there’s not really much to hangout around. But when students want to venture out, there’s Viceroy Family Dhaba. There are a few resorts around; Alankrit Resort, people go to celebrate birthdays, but it’s a little expensive to visit regularly though. On a day-to-day basis, walking in the campus after dinner is pleasant, and CP is busy in the evenings.
just now
By now, you must have realized that, the campus is an entire world in itself, unlike other city colleges. So there’s not really much to hangout around. But when students want to venture out, there’s Viceroy Family Dhaba. There are a few resorts around; Alankrit Resort, people go to celebrate birthdays, but it’s a little expensive to visit regularly though. On a day-to-day basis, walking in the campus after dinner is pleasant, and CP is busy in the evenings.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

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A majority of the crowd hails from Hyderabad, and other surrounding districts of Andhra Pradesh, and about 60% of people from all parts of the country put together. There is absolutely no reservation of any kind, and every student has to take the BITSAT to be here. The crowd is quite diverse though, and people mix well. Student driven clubs are very active, and people are a part of a club that most interests them. Seniors and junior interact well. Most students, even if are not regular at attending lectures, are sincere, and hard working. The boy to girl ratio is about 3 : 1. In the hostel students mix well and group-ism or regional-ism is not observed, which makes it pretty cool for all the students.
just now
A majority of the crowd hails from Hyderabad, and other surrounding districts of Andhra Pradesh, and about 60% of people from all parts of the country put together. There is absolutely no reservation of any kind, and every student has to take the BITSAT to be here. The crowd is quite diverse though, and people mix well. Student driven clubs are very active, and people are a part of a club that most interests them. Seniors and junior interact well. Most students, even if are not regular at attending lectures, are sincere, and hard working. The boy to girl ratio is about 3 : 1. In the hostel students mix well and group-ism or regional-ism is not observed, which makes it pretty cool for all the students.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

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‘Pearl’ is the college’s national level festival, conducted in the month of February every year. Students say it’s the biggest fest of Hyderabad, and sees a massive participation. The entire campus is bubbling with activity during the entire festival. The college stays off for 3 days of the festival, and 2 more days of holiday follows. Students don’t look at it as a 5 day holiday to go home, but participate with enthusiasm. Pearl also hosts technical events since last year, and is a popular festival all over the country. BITS, Pilani hosts a popular sports festival, and students are equally enthusiastic about the sports fest too.
just now
‘Pearl’ is the college’s national level festival, conducted in the month of February every year. Students say it’s the biggest fest of Hyderabad, and sees a massive participation. The entire campus is bubbling with activity during the entire festival. The college stays off for 3 days of the festival, and 2 more days of holiday follows. Students don’t look at it as a 5 day holiday to go home, but participate with enthusiasm. Pearl also hosts technical events since last year, and is a popular festival all over the country. BITS, Pilani hosts a popular sports festival, and students are equally enthusiastic about the sports fest too.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

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There is absolute freedom and choice left upon the students in this aspect. The college doesn’t believe in forcing the students to take lectures, and rather believe that they can decide what’s best for them. The college has provided for everything. People make a call on the courses and teachers, for the good subjects everyone attends, and there have been empty classes too. So technically even at zero percent attendance, the college will not really harass you. Although there are surprise tests (as an alternative to attendance), but students know about it pre-hand, so that also not an issue, that too only for some courses there are surprise tests, so it’s no tension.
just now
There is absolute freedom and choice left upon the students in this aspect. The college doesn’t believe in forcing the students to take lectures, and rather believe that they can decide what’s best for them. The college has provided for everything. People make a call on the courses and teachers, for the good subjects everyone attends, and there have been empty classes too. So technically even at zero percent attendance, the college will not really harass you. Although there are surprise tests (as an alternative to attendance), but students know about it pre-hand, so that also not an issue, that too only for some courses there are surprise tests, so it’s no tension.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

Shreyas Anandpara
just now
BITS, Pilani has a big name, when it comes to technology studies in India, and Hyderabad campus inherits the same focus, and direction. BITS gives students’ freedom and opportunities, at the same time, and in the words of a student, “make use of it, or just keep sleeping” no one would really care expect for your own self. Environment is good, and facilities all up-to-date. Those students who want to take up jobs, would gets jobs here, and prospect of high paying jobs is also bright. Life is good and education better. Research opportunities and infrastructure is first class.
Note: You can take an interesting virtual tour of the entire campus, yes the entire campus!
just now
BITS, Pilani has a big name, when it comes to technology studies in India, and Hyderabad campus inherits the same focus, and direction. BITS gives students’ freedom and opportunities, at the same time, and in the words of a student, “make use of it, or just keep sleeping” no one would really care expect for your own self. Environment is good, and facilities all up-to-date. Those students who want to take up jobs, would gets jobs here, and prospect of high paying jobs is also bright. Life is good and education better. Research opportunities and infrastructure is first class.
Note: You can take an interesting virtual tour of the entire campus, yes the entire campus!