Bombay College of Pharmacy
Santacruz (E), Mumbai | Affiliated to Mumbai University
3.1 10 reviews 0 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at BCP
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceuital Chemistry Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Pharmacy in Bachelor of Pharmacy Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmacology and Toxicology Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Bombay College of Pharmacy, (BCP),Kalina, Santacruz (E),
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Phone: 91-22-26670871
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

just now
Most of the staff is mediocre. But the profs are good in the subjects which really require good profs.
Exception: Organic Chemistry. Good profs needed, URGENTLY.
just now
Most of the staff is mediocre. But the profs are good in the subjects which really require good profs.
Exception: Organic Chemistry. Good profs needed, URGENTLY.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

just now
Among the best. All the laboratories have been sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies (German Remedies, GSK, Boehringer Knoll, Lyka, etc.), so its got well equipped labs. However, first and second year classrooms have long-standing mosquito problems. Can get highly(I mean HIGHLY) irritating. Campus is one of the best in all Pharmacy colleges, mainly because it’s an only Pharmacy college. There is a proper-sized ground behind the college. Table-tennis table, 2 carrom boards are available which are not at all enough looking at the number of people surrounding one table.
just now
Among the best. All the laboratories have been sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies (German Remedies, GSK, Boehringer Knoll, Lyka, etc.), so its got well equipped labs. However, first and second year classrooms have long-standing mosquito problems. Can get highly(I mean HIGHLY) irritating. Campus is one of the best in all Pharmacy colleges, mainly because it’s an only Pharmacy college. There is a proper-sized ground behind the college. Table-tennis table, 2 carrom boards are available which are not at all enough looking at the number of people surrounding one table.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

just now
Quite a few students get recruitment offers directly after the Final (Fourth) Year B. Pharm., but it is advisable to complete a Masters or an MBA or some other degree. B. Pharm by itself cannot fetch you a good job.
The 5-6 students which do get placed get salaries around 1.2 lakhs p.a. with the maximum salary offer being 1.8 lakh p.a.
just now
Quite a few students get recruitment offers directly after the Final (Fourth) Year B. Pharm., but it is advisable to complete a Masters or an MBA or some other degree. B. Pharm by itself cannot fetch you a good job.
The 5-6 students which do get placed get salaries around 1.2 lakhs p.a. with the maximum salary offer being 1.8 lakh p.a.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

just now
20 minutes by rick or bus from both Santacruz Station (WR, Harbour) and Kurla Station (CR, Harbour)
just now
20 minutes by rick or bus from both Santacruz Station (WR, Harbour) and Kurla Station (CR, Harbour)
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

Apoorva Patankar
just now
It’s average, considering this is a govt college. Dosas are good, however vada pavs will always be cold, irrespective of the time of the day.
just now
It’s average, considering this is a govt college. Dosas are good, however vada pavs will always be cold, irrespective of the time of the day.
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

just now
Not much around the college where one can go on a regular basis. There are a few places, but either not very good, or a bit expensive:
Walk- Inn: Cockroaches are said to be found in pav-bhajis, Smokin Joe's: Very average. Pathetic service. Subway: Located at BKC, It's a bit far from college (about 10 minutes but quite good. Pizza Hut: Next to Subway, Tender Fresh: Ice cream parlour recently opened, similar to Natural's Ice-cream, CCD at BKC, Nilesh Stores: 5 minutes walk, Awesome Kulfis! For better places one needs to go to Bandra or Andheri ;)
just now
Not much around the college where one can go on a regular basis. There are a few places, but either not very good, or a bit expensive:
Walk- Inn: Cockroaches are said to be found in pav-bhajis, Smokin Joe's: Very average. Pathetic service. Subway: Located at BKC, It's a bit far from college (about 10 minutes but quite good. Pizza Hut: Next to Subway, Tender Fresh: Ice cream parlour recently opened, similar to Natural's Ice-cream, CCD at BKC, Nilesh Stores: 5 minutes walk, Awesome Kulfis! For better places one needs to go to Bandra or Andheri ;)
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

just now
One area you don’t really talk about. This one really depends on your luck. Extremes are really rare, generally the crowd is the chalta chalta, fattu types.
just now
One area you don’t really talk about. This one really depends on your luck. Extremes are really rare, generally the crowd is the chalta chalta, fattu types.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

just now
There is a week- long intra- college festival. There's also Rx, which is the inter- college festival for all Maharashtra pharmacy colleges. BCP is almost always the host.
Rx is probably the only single period during the year when you can actually have a lot of fun.
The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), which is the premier professional association of pharmacists in India, is based in our college; hence, our college students are among the most involved in all IPA activities, which is a great help; loads of opportunities for those interested.
just now
There is a week- long intra- college festival. There's also Rx, which is the inter- college festival for all Maharashtra pharmacy colleges. BCP is almost always the host.
Rx is probably the only single period during the year when you can actually have a lot of fun.
The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), which is the premier professional association of pharmacists in India, is based in our college; hence, our college students are among the most involved in all IPA activities, which is a great help; loads of opportunities for those interested.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

sayali gole
just now
A few professors are quite strict about attendance, however not much is done to defaulters, except a long boring lecture from the Principal, which is punishment enough.
just now
A few professors are quite strict about attendance, however not much is done to defaulters, except a long boring lecture from the Principal, which is punishment enough.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

just now
One of the best colleges for bachelor of pharmacy (that’s because there isn’t much competition in this field) However, if you still wish to pursue this course, go for this college you won’t regret it.
just now
One of the best colleges for bachelor of pharmacy (that’s because there isn’t much competition in this field) However, if you still wish to pursue this course, go for this college you won’t regret it.