Datta Meghe College of Engineering
Airoli, Mumbai | Affiliated to Mumbai University
3.6 92 reviews 12 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at DMCE
- BE in Computer Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electronics Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Information Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Chemical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Computer Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- ME in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Datta Meghe College of Engineering, (DMCE),Plot 98, Sector3 , Airoli,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Phone: 27791662
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://dmce.edu/
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

srishti arun kamble
on Aug 13, 2015
The faculty is pretty cool and friendly. The termwork out of 25 in the computer dept is pretty much based on your attendance(5m for 75% and above) 10 m - Journal (Based on your rapport with the professor) and the rest 10 on your prelim performance. If you do well you can easily score 23 off 25.
1 person found this review helpful
on Aug 13, 2015
The faculty is pretty cool and friendly. The termwork out of 25 in the computer dept is pretty much based on your attendance(5m for 75% and above) 10 m - Journal (Based on your rapport with the professor) and the rest 10 on your prelim performance. If you do well you can easily score 23 off 25.
1 person found this review helpful

Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Aug 9, 2015
the new building has been constructed and it is probably one of the best infra in Mumbai engineering colleges.
on Aug 9, 2015
the new building has been constructed and it is probably one of the best infra in Mumbai engineering colleges.

on Aug 9, 2015
the new building is excellent its campus is bigger in terms of floors rather than acres... it is the tallest engineering college in Mumbai
on Aug 9, 2015
the new building is excellent its campus is bigger in terms of floors rather than acres... it is the tallest engineering college in Mumbai
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Aug 1, 2015
There are some reputed companies which recruit students from our college. Overall it is a nice college. Get in and experience it.
on Aug 1, 2015
There are some reputed companies which recruit students from our college. Overall it is a nice college. Get in and experience it.

Sourabh Gujar
on May 14, 2015
Placements 100%? Nowadays, even IITs don't have 100% placements.
on May 14, 2015
Placements 100%? Nowadays, even IITs don't have 100% placements.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Jan 22, 2015
Datta Meghe College of Engineering (DMCE) is located quite conveniently close to Airoli railway station on the trans-harbour route. The campus is just about 5-6 minutes away from the railway station and its not a very bad walk either.
on Jan 22, 2015
Datta Meghe College of Engineering (DMCE) is located quite conveniently close to Airoli railway station on the trans-harbour route. The campus is just about 5-6 minutes away from the railway station and its not a very bad walk either.

on Feb 6, 2016
This college is the next best college for CIVIL after the autonomous institutes
on Feb 6, 2016
This college is the next best college for CIVIL after the autonomous institutes
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

on Aug 21, 2015
The canteen has changed completely..much wider and better..nothing to complain.
on Aug 21, 2015
The canteen has changed completely..much wider and better..nothing to complain.

on Aug 21, 2015
the canteen is changed now..a much better and larger one..so i guess its time to change the details ;)
on Aug 21, 2015
the canteen is changed now..a much better and larger one..so i guess its time to change the details ;)
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Jan 21, 2015
To quote a student, ‘You cannot hang out in Airoli!’. Students have to travel all the way to Nerul, Vashi and Kharghar for a typical mall hangout.
on Jan 21, 2015
To quote a student, ‘You cannot hang out in Airoli!’. Students have to travel all the way to Nerul, Vashi and Kharghar for a typical mall hangout.

on Oct 3, 2016
As far as hangouts are concerned you only have Mamta(Not for girls... guys usually have a notion of "har khushi aur ghum ke waqt Mamta Devi ke darshan leena jarrori hai" :P) and Priyanka but quite a few new places have opened up along sector 5 to 10 line...
on Oct 3, 2016
As far as hangouts are concerned you only have Mamta(Not for girls... guys usually have a notion of "har khushi aur ghum ke waqt Mamta Devi ke darshan leena jarrori hai" :P) and Priyanka but quite a few new places have opened up along sector 5 to 10 line...
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

sorabh choraria
on Aug 15, 2015
the crowd is getting better and a lot of other changes.
on Aug 15, 2015
the crowd is getting better and a lot of other changes.

Tejas Joshi
on Aug 15, 2015
The crowd is good & the campus is a bit small almost negligible and the small thing which I don't like abt it is the time management..we have to fill up all kinda forms during lectures. There is no separate time given for that and probably we have to miss a lec to do these things.
on Aug 15, 2015
The crowd is good & the campus is a bit small almost negligible and the small thing which I don't like abt it is the time management..we have to fill up all kinda forms during lectures. There is no separate time given for that and probably we have to miss a lec to do these things.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

Devranjan Das
on Aug 13, 2015
The festivals mentioned were quite decent this year,especially the tech fest was very good.
on Aug 13, 2015
The festivals mentioned were quite decent this year,especially the tech fest was very good.

veena nair
on Aug 12, 2015
the Fests do lack the frills, but are descent enough
on Aug 12, 2015
the Fests do lack the frills, but are descent enough
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on May 24, 2015
Maintain attendance...!!! Complete your journals time to time...!! Regular study....!!! If you maintain all above... then and only then you are in the best college.
on May 24, 2015
Maintain attendance...!!! Complete your journals time to time...!! Regular study....!!! If you maintain all above... then and only then you are in the best college.

on Jan 21, 2015
They say you’ll be safe if you maintain around a 60%, which isn’t too bad. Even if you find yourself well below that mark, no ‘strict action’ as such is reportedly taken at Datta Meghe College of Engineering (DMCE). Probably a couple of assignments or test papers to be written. Fair enough.
on Jan 21, 2015
They say you’ll be safe if you maintain around a 60%, which isn’t too bad. Even if you find yourself well below that mark, no ‘strict action’ as such is reportedly taken at Datta Meghe College of Engineering (DMCE). Probably a couple of assignments or test papers to be written. Fair enough.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

on Jul 15, 2015
Very nice college. Location is also good. Canteen needs some improvement ASAP. Teaching staffs are cooperative and overall very good college.
on Jul 15, 2015
Very nice college. Location is also good. Canteen needs some improvement ASAP. Teaching staffs are cooperative and overall very good college.

on Jul 9, 2015
whereas, crowd is concerned, let me tell you that your residential proof isn't your decency certificate. Anybody can create nuisance. That is why we have a slightly 'tighter' security. and those complaining about infrastructure weren't blindfolded before taking admission here and speanding thousands (and also lakhs by a handful).
on Jul 9, 2015
whereas, crowd is concerned, let me tell you that your residential proof isn't your decency certificate. Anybody can create nuisance. That is why we have a slightly 'tighter' security. and those complaining about infrastructure weren't blindfolded before taking admission here and speanding thousands (and also lakhs by a handful).