Malla Reddy Engineering College
Rangareddy , Ranga Reddy | Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad
3.4 22 reviews 2 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at MREC
- BE in Master Of Business Administration Avg. cutoff: NA
- MS in Master Of Computer Applications Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceuital Chemistry Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmacology Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutics Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Pharmacy in Quality Assurance Techniques Avg. cutoff: NA
- MS in Master of Business Management Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Control Systems Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Electrical Power Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Machine Design Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Computer Science Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Digital Systems and Computer Electronics Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Embedded Systems Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Information Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in VLSI Design Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Thermal Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Malla Reddy Engineering College, (MREC),Maisammaguda, Dhulapally,Kompally, Medchal, Rangareddy ,
Ranga Reddy, Telangana
Phone: 040-23792152
Email: [email protected]
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

on Oct 10, 2015
Senior professors dominate most of the departments at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC). Students are satisfied with the teaching, especially those from the ECE and Mechanical departments. However, the scenario is a little different in the IT department where some students allege their faculty do not teach too well, while some others say that it's the students who're not interested in learning.
on Oct 10, 2015
Senior professors dominate most of the departments at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC). Students are satisfied with the teaching, especially those from the ECE and Mechanical departments. However, the scenario is a little different in the IT department where some students allege their faculty do not teach too well, while some others say that it's the students who're not interested in learning.

on Oct 9, 2015
Senior professors dominate most of the departments at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC). Students are satisfied with the teaching, especially those from the ECE and Mechanical departments. However, the scenario is a little different in the IT department where some students allege their faculty do not teach too well, while some others say that it's the students who're not interested in learning.
on Oct 9, 2015
Senior professors dominate most of the departments at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC). Students are satisfied with the teaching, especially those from the ECE and Mechanical departments. However, the scenario is a little different in the IT department where some students allege their faculty do not teach too well, while some others say that it's the students who're not interested in learning.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

Vijay Sharma
on Oct 10, 2015
Although Malla Reddy Enginering College (MREC) is amongst the oldest institutions in this area, the refurbished infrastructure gives a modern appeal to it. The campus may not be huge but it doesn't provide much room for complaints as sports amenities as well as academic facilities are appreciable. A separate library block ensures sufficient availability of books. Labs were one thing that often created trouble, but they've been upgraded too.
on Oct 10, 2015
Although Malla Reddy Enginering College (MREC) is amongst the oldest institutions in this area, the refurbished infrastructure gives a modern appeal to it. The campus may not be huge but it doesn't provide much room for complaints as sports amenities as well as academic facilities are appreciable. A separate library block ensures sufficient availability of books. Labs were one thing that often created trouble, but they've been upgraded too.

on Oct 10, 2015
Although Malla Reddy Enginering College (MREC) is amongst the oldest institutions in this area, the refurbished infrastructure gives a modern appeal to it. The campus may not be huge but it doesn't provide much room for complaints as sports amenities as well as academic facilities are appreciable. A separate library block ensures sufficient availability of books. Labs were one thing that often created trouble, but they've been upgraded too.
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
on Oct 10, 2015
Although Malla Reddy Enginering College (MREC) is amongst the oldest institutions in this area, the refurbished infrastructure gives a modern appeal to it. The campus may not be huge but it doesn't provide much room for complaints as sports amenities as well as academic facilities are appreciable. A separate library block ensures sufficient availability of books. Labs were one thing that often created trouble, but they've been upgraded too.
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Oct 8, 2015
Students claim that about 20-25% of them get placed from every batch. Lack of efforts from the college and a lack of interest from the students are both to be blamed equally for these disappointing results.
on Oct 8, 2015
Students claim that about 20-25% of them get placed from every batch. Lack of efforts from the college and a lack of interest from the students are both to be blamed equally for these disappointing results.

on Oct 8, 2015
Students claim that about 20-25% of them get placed from every batch. Lack of efforts from the college and a lack of interest from the students are both to be blamed equally for these disappointing results.
on Oct 8, 2015
Students claim that about 20-25% of them get placed from every batch. Lack of efforts from the college and a lack of interest from the students are both to be blamed equally for these disappointing results.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Oct 8, 2015
Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.
on Oct 8, 2015
Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.

on Oct 8, 2015
Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.
on Oct 8, 2015
Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.
Top Hostels Reviews ALL Hostels REVIEWS

on Oct 9, 2015
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
on Oct 9, 2015
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

vikrant shinde
on Oct 8, 2015
A canteen and a small bakery shop are shared between the engineering college and the pharmacy college. "While the canteen food isn't all that great it's a hundred times better than anything you could get in the vicinity" declares an MRECian. The bakery, however, is known to serve really tasty varieties.
on Oct 8, 2015
A canteen and a small bakery shop are shared between the engineering college and the pharmacy college. "While the canteen food isn't all that great it's a hundred times better than anything you could get in the vicinity" declares an MRECian. The bakery, however, is known to serve really tasty varieties.

Akash jain
on Oct 8, 2015
A canteen and a small bakery shop are shared between the engineering college and the pharmacy college. "While the canteen food isn't all that great it's a hundred times better than anything you could get in the vicinity" declares an MRECian. The bakery, however, is known to serve really tasty varieties.
on Oct 8, 2015
A canteen and a small bakery shop are shared between the engineering college and the pharmacy college. "While the canteen food isn't all that great it's a hundred times better than anything you could get in the vicinity" declares an MRECian. The bakery, however, is known to serve really tasty varieties.
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Oct 10, 2015
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.
on Oct 10, 2015
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.

on Oct 8, 2015
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.
on Oct 8, 2015
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

on Oct 10, 2015
Being an autonomous institute, Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) lures some of the brightest minds in Hyderabad. While some excel at academics, some others excel in sports. On the other hand, some students from surrounding villages, being born and brought up in conservative environments, are hesitant to interact.
on Oct 10, 2015
Being an autonomous institute, Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) lures some of the brightest minds in Hyderabad. While some excel at academics, some others excel in sports. On the other hand, some students from surrounding villages, being born and brought up in conservative environments, are hesitant to interact.

on Oct 8, 2015
Being an autonomous institute, Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) lures some of the brightest minds in Hyderabad. While some excel at academics, some others excel in sports. On the other hand, some students from surrounding villages, being born and brought up in conservative environments, are hesitant to interact.
on Oct 8, 2015
Being an autonomous institute, Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) lures some of the brightest minds in Hyderabad. While some excel at academics, some others excel in sports. On the other hand, some students from surrounding villages, being born and brought up in conservative environments, are hesitant to interact.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

on Oct 9, 2015
'Akshara' is the annual technical festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) sometime in January or February. Events include robotics, autoshow, technical paper presentations, etc. Another fest called 'Srujan' calls for entertainment as it's full of music, dance and cultural perfomances.
on Oct 9, 2015
'Akshara' is the annual technical festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) sometime in January or February. Events include robotics, autoshow, technical paper presentations, etc. Another fest called 'Srujan' calls for entertainment as it's full of music, dance and cultural perfomances.

on Oct 9, 2015
'Akshara' is the annual technical festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) sometime in January or February. Events include robotics, autoshow, technical paper presentations, etc. Another fest called 'Srujan' calls for entertainment as it's full of music, dance and cultural perfomances.
on Oct 9, 2015
'Akshara' is the annual technical festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) sometime in January or February. Events include robotics, autoshow, technical paper presentations, etc. Another fest called 'Srujan' calls for entertainment as it's full of music, dance and cultural perfomances.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on Oct 10, 2015
MREC is particular about attendace and some say it's become stricter after attaining autonomy. A number of students with below 50% attendance are barred from appearing for University exams. Some others having attended 50-75% of the lectures have to shell out fines (Rs. 300) apart from getting medical certificates and running from person to person to get things on track. Only those with over 75% attendance are spared.
on Oct 10, 2015
MREC is particular about attendace and some say it's become stricter after attaining autonomy. A number of students with below 50% attendance are barred from appearing for University exams. Some others having attended 50-75% of the lectures have to shell out fines (Rs. 300) apart from getting medical certificates and running from person to person to get things on track. Only those with over 75% attendance are spared.

Soham Halder
on Oct 8, 2015
MREC is particular about attendace and some say it's become stricter after attaining autonomy. A number of students with below 50% attendance are barred from appearing for University exams. Some others having attended 50-75% of the lectures have to shell out fines (Rs. 300) apart from getting medical certificates and running from person to person to get things on track. Only those with over 75% attendance are spared.
on Oct 8, 2015
MREC is particular about attendace and some say it's become stricter after attaining autonomy. A number of students with below 50% attendance are barred from appearing for University exams. Some others having attended 50-75% of the lectures have to shell out fines (Rs. 300) apart from getting medical certificates and running from person to person to get things on track. Only those with over 75% attendance are spared.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

Parth Thakker
on Oct 11, 2015
Placements are the only concern. The rest just makes Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) an option to not miss out on.
on Oct 11, 2015
Placements are the only concern. The rest just makes Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) an option to not miss out on.

on Oct 11, 2015
Placements are the only concern. The rest just makes Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) an option to not miss out on.
on Oct 11, 2015
Placements are the only concern. The rest just makes Malla Reddy Engineering College (MREC) an option to not miss out on.