Malla Reddy Institute Of Technology &...
Secunderabad, Hyderabad | Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad
3.4 11 reviews 0 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at MRITS
- BE in Master Of Business Administration Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Civil Engineering (with Specialization in Construction Management) Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Malla Reddy Institute Of Technology & Science, (MRITS),Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Medchal (M) , Secunderabad,
Hyderabad, Telangana
Phone: 4064634230
Email: [email protected]
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

Shakti Nilange
on Jun 23, 2016
Another paramater where Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) takes a hitting. Students told Stupidsid that junior lecturers, who are in charge of majority of the subjects, come to class and just read from the textbook, leaving half the things unexplained. CSE and Civil departments are thought to be exceptions, but only to some extent.
on Jun 23, 2016
Another paramater where Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) takes a hitting. Students told Stupidsid that junior lecturers, who are in charge of majority of the subjects, come to class and just read from the textbook, leaving half the things unexplained. CSE and Civil departments are thought to be exceptions, but only to some extent.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Jun 24, 2016
Students claim to face numerous glitches while performing practicals in laboratories as half the instruments do not function appropriately. However, everything else is well maintained and there's no possibility for grievances.
on Jun 24, 2016
Students claim to face numerous glitches while performing practicals in laboratories as half the instruments do not function appropriately. However, everything else is well maintained and there's no possibility for grievances.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Jun 23, 2016
As the campus placements for all Malla Reddy Institutions are common, MRITSians never have a lack of opportunities flowing. Yet, only a fraction of them get placed as many aren't able to fulfill the requirements of these companies. Amongst other Malla Reddy Institutions, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) fares a notch below MREC and MRCET.
on Jun 23, 2016
As the campus placements for all Malla Reddy Institutions are common, MRITSians never have a lack of opportunities flowing. Yet, only a fraction of them get placed as many aren't able to fulfill the requirements of these companies. Amongst other Malla Reddy Institutions, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) fares a notch below MREC and MRCET.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

akshay naik
on Jun 24, 2016
Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.
on Jun 24, 2016
Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) is located on the outskirts of north-Hyderabad, about 5 kms from Kompally and 25 kms from Koti. Frequency of RTC buses up to Kompally is excellent but as thousands of students are headed to the 20-odd engineering colleges in the area, buses are overcrowded. People are seen hanging on to whatever part of the bus they can find with a constant fear of being pushed down. College buses are more convenient but 10 times as expensive.
Top Hostels Reviews ALL Hostels REVIEWS

nikit shah
on Jun 23, 2016
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
on Jun 23, 2016
A couple of hostels are shared between all the Malla Reddy Institutes creating an obvious space crunch. Other than that, they're manageable with the biggest advantage being a very relaxed atmosphere with little restrictions on timings. Yet, many who cannot adjust opt for one of the hundreds of other hostels available in the area.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

Parth Cholera
on Jun 25, 2016
There are 3 canteens in the Malla Reddy Institutions campus and students are free to use any of them. Varieties offered are great and after trying each canteen a couple of times, students stick to the one they find the most suitable.
on Jun 25, 2016
There are 3 canteens in the Malla Reddy Institutions campus and students are free to use any of them. Varieties offered are great and after trying each canteen a couple of times, students stick to the one they find the most suitable.
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Jun 24, 2016
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.
on Jun 24, 2016
Owing to a severe lack of interesting places around the campus, most people prefer taking a ride all the way to Kompally, where they can find everything from movie theatres, fast food centres, ice cream and juice parlours and even Go-Karting and billiards.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

Khalil Sandilkar
on Jun 25, 2016
The ratio of students coming from areas other than Hyderabad is unusually high at Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS). While some students coming from rural backgrounds are a little reserved, everyone is very helpful and united in the classroom.
on Jun 25, 2016
The ratio of students coming from areas other than Hyderabad is unusually high at Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS). While some students coming from rural backgrounds are a little reserved, everyone is very helpful and united in the classroom.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

Shailesh Sawant
on Jun 25, 2016
'Furcatez' is the annual techno cultural festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) sometime in August. However, the college's policies are academic-centric and little encouragement is given for sports and cultural activities.
on Jun 25, 2016
'Furcatez' is the annual techno cultural festival celebrated at Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science (MRITS) sometime in August. However, the college's policies are academic-centric and little encouragement is given for sports and cultural activities.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

Mahesh Baldawa
on Jun 25, 2016
MRITS is said to be the strictest of all Malla Reddy Institutions. "No dares to bunk more than 1 in 4 lectures of any subject, however intolerable the professor may be" says a third year student. If there's a genuine medical reason or a prolonged illness, they may consider after satisfactory cross examination, though it's best to stay above the 75% mark to avoid getting into any troubles.
A closed gate system prohibits anyone from entering or leaving the campus during the lecture hours.
on Jun 25, 2016
MRITS is said to be the strictest of all Malla Reddy Institutions. "No dares to bunk more than 1 in 4 lectures of any subject, however intolerable the professor may be" says a third year student. If there's a genuine medical reason or a prolonged illness, they may consider after satisfactory cross examination, though it's best to stay above the 75% mark to avoid getting into any troubles.
A closed gate system prohibits anyone from entering or leaving the campus during the lecture hours.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

on Jun 25, 2016
Things don't seem to be working out for MRITS students. And if you've got no better options to finish your graduation in the engineering field, you, too, can join them.
on Jun 25, 2016
Things don't seem to be working out for MRITS students. And if you've got no better options to finish your graduation in the engineering field, you, too, can join them.