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Avishkar Classes (Prof. Daji) For Mechanical Engineering

Last updated on Aug 31, 2017

About and Contact

"Prof. Daji is an Ex Professor from Department of Mechanical Engineering VJTI. He completed his B.E. and M.E. (Mechanical) from VJTI, Mumbai. He is a pioneer in Quality Coaching for Mechanical Engineering in Mumbai. For last twenty years, One of the leading names in the field of professional coaching, Avishkar Classes is renowned for its quality teaching to all engineering students.

Over the years the institute has adopted innovative teaching techniques to motivate students to study in an intellectually challenging and stimulating environment and our results prove the same. In every year Coaching of approximate 70% students of Mechanical Engineering from Mumbai University is undertaken at Avishkar. Record of last ten years shows that every year at least 7-8 students from Avishkar Classes are in the first 10 Merit numbers at  B.E. Mech Exam. at University of Mumbai. Today many of our students occupy very good positions in industry at various departments in India and abroad.

All fundamental subjects for Mechanical Engineering from S.E to B.E. are covered by Prof. Daji.

With this academically rich background AVISHKAR is ready to WELCOME you for learning the Concepts of Mechanical Engineering"

Phone: 02224380819


Dadar Branch
Ashok Complex, Ranade Road, Dadar (W),
Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400028

Thane Branch
Ishan Arcade II, 3rd floor, Near Gaodevi Mandir, Opposite Hanuman Mandir, Gokhale Road, Thane (W),
Thane, Maharashtra - 400606

Courses / Subjects offered

Automobile Engineering


Finite Element Analysis

Fluid Mechanics

Heat Transfer

Hydraulic Machinery

IC Engine

Industrial Electronics

Machine Design-I

Machine Design-II

Maths 3

Maths 4

Mechanical Vibration



PP 2


Strength of Materials

Theory of Machines 1

Theory of Machines-II

Thermal Engineering


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