on 30 August, 2011

Senior software Engineer at Cap Gemini

Ajendra Nair

  • Graduation college: D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
  • Stream: Electronics and Tele-Communication
  • Graduation aggregate: 65%
  • Standout Quality: I had worked in many committees is college but that didn’t have any effect on other companies, but here at Capgemini did appreciate it and earned me brownie points.

Applied for: TCS, Accenture, L&T, Capgemini
Jobs offered: Capgemini
Job accepted: Capgemini


Interview experience: I was very frank and honest in the interview. Did not think much while answering as I was being honest. They also asked me questions on publicity and marketing strategy (as i was working as publicity head for a fest in college).


What I do:

  • Posted: in Mumbai
  • Designation: Senior software Engineer


Job Description:

I am working here as an engineer, my work here is to develop and enhance softwares of various companies. It is more of an outsourcing work. I had to learn some of the technical stuff before I could start but now am comfortable wih it.


Experience at Work:

The experience here has been amazing. Working in an MNC is nice, you get pampered here, but mind you the work hours are a taking a toll. When you are engrossed in work, it hardly matters.


Advice to the juniors:

Be calm while giving the interview.Dont show your nervousness on your face. GO with a smile and be prepared with atleast normal questions like"say something about yourself "and"why is your score dropping" etc.

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