on 28 August, 2012
College Life - Some beautiful days
Why I don't want to grow up.
I Remember those College days when my day used to start at 6 in the morning! Ah ! To Get up,get ready,rush to college by Train,Attend Lectures,Travel back home & prepare for the next day ! This is how the series of events were scheduled in my brain, as if these events were in an Infinite loop. Forming a Deadlock !
This Deadlock Broke when one day,the whole of my class MASS BUNKED!(Seems Funny). I wondered why I was the happiest Person on earth . Every nook and corner of the college felt homely ! ( Which was never the case !) It seemed as if I had some music already playing in my head !The life seemed to Slow down and I was set free. We hid and ran from all the Teaching and non-Teaching staff we came across to ! Never did I explore these many places in my college so far ! As I ran to the platform of the Railway station I realized Bunking
made me relieve from all the pains that we bear during the unworthy Lectures,sitting like a cold stone,Nodding heads & trying our level best impressing teachers.I loved to Mass bunk !
This is one Memory of the College which I am still fond of and somewhat brings a smile on my face when I'm nostalgic .
For in Engineering,Many days pass , many lectures go unnoticed,Some Bunked,some Attended !(NOW ,Who cares when you know to Bunk!) and 100's of defaulter lists. And with the blink of an eye,the Semester ends.This is awesome as you become the senior year by year, semester by semester.Plus there comes
the best part i.e Buttering the teachers,Trying to be in the best avatar as possible, Submitting journals on time and Nodding like at the rate of 25 times per minute ! (LOL)...This hustle-bustle runs from the top to the roots of the college.Every Engineering Student will know what I'm talking of !It's all Hay ware.
You will Enjoy all the memories that you have of being into a gauche situation to being appraised by teachers ! Some cheating ,some mugging, some Smart work and all the little things that should always be kept secret !:P Surprisingly,You'll Miss them.
All the Lovely College memories,the PJ's,Teasing friends with their crushes, some fights and making new friends. Sometimes Being in trouble yourself,Other times Putting others into it
!You'll Hate your College at times but in the end you will be happy to have some precious Memories !
You will enjoy every bit of College Life.
From the college Festivals & photo sessions, to the serious debating sessions to prove your point !
You will love All the transformation in yourself .Transformation from the shy,introvert person to a Fun-loving Master Mind !
And one day you will know This subtle College Life is so Beautiful.Nothing better than to have a Planet full of Friends & Fun!
The Equation LIFE=FRIENDS is proved.And there is this Sudden
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