Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of...
Pune, Pune | Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
3.4 26 reviews 4 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at MMMCE
- BE in Computer Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electronics and Telecom Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Information Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electrical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- MS in Master Of Computer Applications Avg. cutoff: NA
- MS in Master of Business Management Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, (MMMCE),Sr. No. 18. Karvenagar , Pune,
Pune, Maharashtra
Phone: (020) 25433160
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

on Jun 12, 2015
The teaching is said to be adequately good at MMCOE, even though there is an abundance of new professors who have little experience. The number of senior professors is less since the college is relatively new. Mechanical faculty is well-known for its quality of teaching.
1 person found this review helpful
on Jun 12, 2015
The teaching is said to be adequately good at MMCOE, even though there is an abundance of new professors who have little experience. The number of senior professors is less since the college is relatively new. Mechanical faculty is well-known for its quality of teaching.
1 person found this review helpful

on Jun 9, 2016
First there were masters and PhD holders to teach the higher years but now some children (BE and no experience) are teaching... which is not good... on top of this practicals are also not conducted properly... so mech has lost its quality...
1 person found this review helpful
on Jun 9, 2016
First there were masters and PhD holders to teach the higher years but now some children (BE and no experience) are teaching... which is not good... on top of this practicals are also not conducted properly... so mech has lost its quality...
1 person found this review helpful
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Jan 21, 2016
Wi-Fi is only in the labs not in the whole camps. That's very bad news.
1 person found this review helpful
on Jan 21, 2016
Wi-Fi is only in the labs not in the whole camps. That's very bad news.
1 person found this review helpful

Philips LED Candles
on Jun 11, 2015
Campus is not huge but it is sufficiently big. Classrooms are nice and the benches don’t hurt on sitting for long hours. Wi-Fi connectivity is available in the campus. Professors make use of LCD projectors while teaching in some classes. A playground is also there for recreation.
on Jun 11, 2015
Campus is not huge but it is sufficiently big. Classrooms are nice and the benches don’t hurt on sitting for long hours. Wi-Fi connectivity is available in the campus. Professors make use of LCD projectors while teaching in some classes. A playground is also there for recreation.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Jun 10, 2015
Since it is a new college the companies are reluctant in coming and the placements seem to be scarce for now. About 10-15% students are placed. Patni, Tech Mahindra, Syntel, Cap Gemini, Tata Motors are some of the companies that recruit.
2 people found this review helpful
on Jun 10, 2015
Since it is a new college the companies are reluctant in coming and the placements seem to be scarce for now. About 10-15% students are placed. Patni, Tech Mahindra, Syntel, Cap Gemini, Tata Motors are some of the companies that recruit.
2 people found this review helpful

on Nov 16, 2016
2 people found this review helpful
on Nov 16, 2016
2 people found this review helpful
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Jun 11, 2015
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE) is located in South Pune's Karvenagar. It has a strategic location, with good and easy accessibility from most parts of the city. A number of PMT buses ply close to the college and the frequency is good as well. The only issue is that it is a little off the main road and you HAVE to walk that, unless you travel by your own vehicle.
on Jun 11, 2015
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE) is located in South Pune's Karvenagar. It has a strategic location, with good and easy accessibility from most parts of the city. A number of PMT buses ply close to the college and the frequency is good as well. The only issue is that it is a little off the main road and you HAVE to walk that, unless you travel by your own vehicle.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

on Dec 26, 2016
About canteen I'd say take your home made tifin.
1 person found this review helpful
on Dec 26, 2016
About canteen I'd say take your home made tifin.
1 person found this review helpful

on Jun 10, 2015
OK food, just plain sadharan you can say. The canteen is cheap but not at all spacious.
on Jun 10, 2015
OK food, just plain sadharan you can say. The canteen is cheap but not at all spacious.
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Jun 11, 2015
Durga coffee center is the favourite amongst students here. City Pride movie theatre is also close-by. FC Road which has uppish food outlets to chill, too, is not very far from MMCOE
on Jun 11, 2015
Durga coffee center is the favourite amongst students here. City Pride movie theatre is also close-by. FC Road which has uppish food outlets to chill, too, is not very far from MMCOE
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

on Jun 12, 2015
The location of the college being in the city itself, Pune city crowd is more. Hostelites are fun to live with as well. Inclination towards academics is found to be more than towards other extra currics amongst students at Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE)
on Jun 12, 2015
The location of the college being in the city itself, Pune city crowd is more. Hostelites are fun to live with as well. Inclination towards academics is found to be more than towards other extra currics amongst students at Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE)
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

on Jun 12, 2015
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE) celebrates its Technical festival Dexterity in February and its Cultural festival Ensemble around the same period.
on Jun 12, 2015
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering (MMCOE) celebrates its Technical festival Dexterity in February and its Cultural festival Ensemble around the same period.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on Jun 12, 2015
STRICT !! 80% is made compulsory and defaulters are made to donate books to the library as a fine. Though the final consequences don’t seem to be severe, it is the taunts you get after every lecture that become irritating.
on Jun 12, 2015
STRICT !! 80% is made compulsory and defaulters are made to donate books to the library as a fine. Though the final consequences don’t seem to be severe, it is the taunts you get after every lecture that become irritating.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

on Nov 20, 2016
No placements. No WiFi even in labs. They take MONEY as fine without receipt. So obviously that's all black. No freedom whatsoever for technical as well as non technical activities. So arrogant and illiterate staff that you wanna kill them or yourself. New canteen is much better and cheap. Principal is from 1920's. The college LIES when you come for admissions. Better ask students. Even the non teaching staff is rude. If you are a bit weak in studies (or looks!) you are IGNORED by the faculty. And if you are from Pune AND from General category, God save you. Marks are totally dependent on prof's mood and your personal bio like caste, city, surname and all. Students are given no value at all. No further education guidance. No support for internships. Internal politics, lazy profs and ill-equipped labs make this college worse than you deserve.
1 person found this review helpful
on Nov 20, 2016
No placements. No WiFi even in labs. They take MONEY as fine without receipt. So obviously that's all black. No freedom whatsoever for technical as well as non technical activities. So arrogant and illiterate staff that you wanna kill them or yourself. New canteen is much better and cheap. Principal is from 1920's. The college LIES when you come for admissions. Better ask students. Even the non teaching staff is rude. If you are a bit weak in studies (or looks!) you are IGNORED by the faculty. And if you are from Pune AND from General category, God save you. Marks are totally dependent on prof's mood and your personal bio like caste, city, surname and all. Students are given no value at all. No further education guidance. No support for internships. Internal politics, lazy profs and ill-equipped labs make this college worse than you deserve.
1 person found this review helpful

on Jun 11, 2015
Average college which can be a good choice for low scoring students who do not wish to move away from the city. It could be a good choice for mechanical.
on Jun 11, 2015
Average college which can be a good choice for low scoring students who do not wish to move away from the city. It could be a good choice for mechanical.