Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
Matunga, Mumbai | Affiliated to Mumbai University
3.8 67 reviews 23 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at VJTI
- BE in Computer Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electronics and Telecom Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electronics Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Information Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Electrical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.E. in Production Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- BE in Textile Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Computer Network Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Control Systems Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Machine Design Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Production Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Software Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in CAD-CAM Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Environmental Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Power Systems Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Civil Engineering (with Specialization in Construction Management) Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Electronics Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (with specialization in Automobile Engineering ) Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Textile Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Machanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Computer Engineering (with specialization in Network Infrastructure Management Systems) Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Project Management Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, (VJTI),HR Mahajani Marg, , Matunga,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Phone: 022-2419 8101
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

Nishant Bagrecha
on Jun 14, 2016
Faculty is so so. Some have deep knowledge. Some with no interest in teaching, haveing superficial knowledge and interested in college politics only. Faculty to transfers after every 3-4 years.
2 people found this review helpful
on Jun 14, 2016
Faculty is so so. Some have deep knowledge. Some with no interest in teaching, haveing superficial knowledge and interested in college politics only. Faculty to transfers after every 3-4 years.
2 people found this review helpful

pravin dhobale
on May 21, 2016
i have heard that the faculty is now not so good.
1 person found this review helpful
on May 21, 2016
i have heard that the faculty is now not so good.
1 person found this review helpful
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Feb 27, 2015
The campus of VJTI is huge, one might even get lost initially. Lots of open space, a cricket and a football field, tennis courts and basketball court are available for recreational activities. However the buildings being old, the classrooms and the labs are not places you’ll enjoy being in. “You’ll get baked to death in the heat during the summers”, says a second year Mechanical student. Many instruments in labs are old which often fail to function properly. You can access internet from computer labs whenever you wish. Wi-Fi connectivity has been promised but not been installed yet.
3 people found this review helpful
on Feb 27, 2015
The campus of VJTI is huge, one might even get lost initially. Lots of open space, a cricket and a football field, tennis courts and basketball court are available for recreational activities. However the buildings being old, the classrooms and the labs are not places you’ll enjoy being in. “You’ll get baked to death in the heat during the summers”, says a second year Mechanical student. Many instruments in labs are old which often fail to function properly. You can access internet from computer labs whenever you wish. Wi-Fi connectivity has been promised but not been installed yet.
3 people found this review helpful

Sagar Patil
on Nov 12, 2015
Huge campus. Infra Old but has a heritage touch
2 people found this review helpful
on Nov 12, 2015
Huge campus. Infra Old but has a heritage touch
2 people found this review helpful
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

abhijeet gaikwad
on Jan 6, 2016
and none can beat vjti in placement..among mumbai unversity
2 people found this review helpful
on Jan 6, 2016
and none can beat vjti in placement..among mumbai unversity
2 people found this review helpful

Chirag Beri
on Jul 23, 2015
this is just not a good institute as compare to the IIT's and NIT's.AND who said DJ that avg salary package is more than six lakhs.....its just less than 3 lakhs .check it out on the official website of
on Jul 23, 2015
this is just not a good institute as compare to the IIT's and NIT's.AND who said DJ that avg salary package is more than six lakhs.....its just less than 3 lakhs .check it out on the official website of
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Feb 27, 2015
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, popular as VJTI, is an esteemed autonomous government engineering institute located in central Mumbai. It is just a 5 minute drive or 12-15 minute walk from Dadar (W. Rly & C. Rly.), Matunga (C. Rly.), Wadala (Harbour Rly.) and King’s Circle (Harbour Rly.) stations. Number of BEST buses plying from all parts of Mumbai is also a good option to reach the college.
on Feb 27, 2015
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, popular as VJTI, is an esteemed autonomous government engineering institute located in central Mumbai. It is just a 5 minute drive or 12-15 minute walk from Dadar (W. Rly & C. Rly.), Matunga (C. Rly.), Wadala (Harbour Rly.) and King’s Circle (Harbour Rly.) stations. Number of BEST buses plying from all parts of Mumbai is also a good option to reach the college.
Top Hostels Reviews ALL Hostels REVIEWS

on May 24, 2016
i am in first year now for mech ...and i am living in vjti hostel... guys its worst hostel i had ever seen...... and im getting very bore here,,,,,,
on May 24, 2016
i am in first year now for mech ...and i am living in vjti hostel... guys its worst hostel i had ever seen...... and im getting very bore here,,,,,,

Aditya Gharat
on Jul 13, 2015
VJTI is a really good collegeage. I don't think teaching is a problem there. its true its not as it was few years ago, fir bhi you can easily survive 4 years here. and hostels are not that bad, you will really enjoy hostel life there
on Jul 13, 2015
VJTI is a really good collegeage. I don't think teaching is a problem there. its true its not as it was few years ago, fir bhi you can easily survive 4 years here. and hostels are not that bad, you will really enjoy hostel life there
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

Kaustubh Mate
on Dec 18, 2015
Canteen: Normal. Edible food. Not an issue!
on Dec 18, 2015
Canteen: Normal. Edible food. Not an issue!

Ummekulsum Nalwala
on Aug 21, 2015
The canteen has changed!! Its awesome now!!
on Aug 21, 2015
The canteen has changed!! Its awesome now!!
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Feb 27, 2015
Various restaurants in Matunga and among favourites are Mani’s Idli, Sherry’s Rolls and Frankies (best and the cheapest), Garnish, Classic, Relax, etc. There’s Only Parathas and Madras Café for those who eat only in 'elite' restaurants. CCD is also close by.
on Feb 27, 2015
Various restaurants in Matunga and among favourites are Mani’s Idli, Sherry’s Rolls and Frankies (best and the cheapest), Garnish, Classic, Relax, etc. There’s Only Parathas and Madras Café for those who eat only in 'elite' restaurants. CCD is also close by.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

Ekansh Gupta
on Jan 8, 2016
Also crowd is much better than the other MU colleges. (maybe leaving aside DJ.Sanghvi)
It has the best extra-curricular activites and its a dream college for the robotics and automation people.
2 people found this review helpful
on Jan 8, 2016
Also crowd is much better than the other MU colleges. (maybe leaving aside DJ.Sanghvi)
It has the best extra-curricular activites and its a dream college for the robotics and automation people.
2 people found this review helpful

Sudhika Sherugar
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS


Akash Arora
on Aug 22, 2015
The best part about VJTI is the awesome fests it holds every year and the over-ENTHUsiastic crowd. These are the best held fests for enginneering colleges in Mumbai.
on Aug 22, 2015
The best part about VJTI is the awesome fests it holds every year and the over-ENTHUsiastic crowd. These are the best held fests for enginneering colleges in Mumbai.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on Jan 3, 2016
attendance is not really a bother as long as you are not in civil :P
Teachers actually call your parents if you bunk lectures in civil dept
on Jan 3, 2016
attendance is not really a bother as long as you are not in civil :P
Teachers actually call your parents if you bunk lectures in civil dept

on Feb 27, 2015
At VJTI, Civil branch is very strict about attendance. For other branches, it is not much of an issue, on a simple condition that you do not spoil your relations with the professors. “Panga mat lena mere dost” says a final year Computers student. However, there are always exceptions and you have to identify those professors and attend their lectures regularly.
on Feb 27, 2015
At VJTI, Civil branch is very strict about attendance. For other branches, it is not much of an issue, on a simple condition that you do not spoil your relations with the professors. “Panga mat lena mere dost” says a final year Computers student. However, there are always exceptions and you have to identify those professors and attend their lectures regularly.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

Manas Karnik
on Jun 18, 2016
excuse me is quite obvious that IITB is much better than VJTI.
comparison goes between colleges in MU and VJTI..but you must be very stupid to post a comment here despising VJTI and favouring IITB
such comments wont help anyone to decide which college to choose on the basis on CET score (and not JEE score LOL)
1 person found this review helpful
on Jun 18, 2016
excuse me is quite obvious that IITB is much better than VJTI.
comparison goes between colleges in MU and VJTI..but you must be very stupid to post a comment here despising VJTI and favouring IITB
such comments wont help anyone to decide which college to choose on the basis on CET score (and not JEE score LOL)
1 person found this review helpful

Yash Date
on May 5, 2016
It's a must go ..
INFRA- 4.0
FESTS - 5.0
CROWD - 3.5 (They are nerds)
1 person found this review helpful
on May 5, 2016
It's a must go ..
INFRA- 4.0
FESTS - 5.0
CROWD - 3.5 (They are nerds)
1 person found this review helpful