on 12 September, 2012

FMS Admissions - Online Applications for Faculty of Management Studies, New Delhi

FMS Admissions - Online Applications for 2013-15 start today
September 12, 2012

Registrations for admissions into the 2013-15 batch at Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), New Delhi start today. Interested students can apply online through their website Last Date for registering is December 14, 2012.

MBA : Candidates applying for admission to the Two year Full-Time MBA must have pursued at least a 3-year Bachelor's Degree programme after twelve years of formal schooling having secured minimum percentage of marks (in aggregate) in a bachelor degree in different disciplines such as Arts, Commerce or Social Science - 50%; Sciences -55%; Mathematics or Statistics - 60%; Medicine, Engineering or Technology - 60% / CGPA of at least 6.00 in a scale of 10.00. or Post-Graduate Degree or 2nd Degree examination after 10+2+3 scheme, securing at least 60% marks. Candidates appearing for the final year examination of Bachelor's/Post-Graduate Degree examination may also apply.

DOCTORAL PROGRAMME : Candidates, seeking admission to FMS Doctoral Programme, are required to take the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2012 conducted by Indian Institutes of Management during October 11, 2012 to November 06, 2012. A minimum work experience of two years is mandatory for all such candidates. Candidates exempted from the admission test are required to apply to FMS on the prescribed form alongwith a demand draft of Rs.250/- drawn in favor of “The Registrar, University of Delhi”, by 31st January, 2013. For application form and other eligibility conditions, please refer to the website of the University of Delhi (; Eligibility Criteria for Enrolment to Doctoral Programme).

FOREIGN STUDENTS: All Foreign Nationals seeking admission to MBA and Ph.D. Programmes should apply through the office of the Dy. Dean (Foreign Students) Conference Center, Opposite Botany Department, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India. Foreign nationals studying in Indian Universities are required to appear in the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2012, and foreign nationals with Indian degree (but not currently staying in India) are required to submit GMAT score (minimum score 650). However, foreign nationals with foreign degrees are required to submit both GMAT and TOEFL scores.



Applicants can register themselves for admission to M.B.A. (Full-Time) and Ph.D. Programmes through FMS website by filling up online registration forms and by paying the requisite fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/Physically Challenged category) for each programme, during 12th September, 2012 to 14th December, 2012. Admission to M.B.A. (Full-Time) Programme will be based on Personal Interview, Group Discussion and CAT-2012 score (Common Admission Test conducted by Indian Institutes of Management during October 11, 2012 to November 06, 2012) while admission to Ph.D Programme will be based on Personal Interview and CAT 2012 score, if applicable. Applicants may visit for appearing in the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2012. Applicants who have not taken CAT-2012 will not be considered for admission. The details of Personal Interview based admission procedure / selection criteria for these programmes are available in the Information Bulletin of Faculty of Management Studies.


  1. A candidate may apply for one or more programmes of FMS.
  2. Incomplete form(s) and those without requisite fee will not be entertained.
  3. The bank drafts (if payment is not made online) must be drawn in favour of the "The Registrar, University of Delhi" payable at State Bank of India, Delhi University Branch
  4. Completed forms should be sent to the "Assistant Consultant, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007". Information bulletin and the application form can be downloaded from the FMS website:
  5. FMS, University of Delhi will not be responsible for any postal delay.
  6. FMS will not entertain any chargeback cases of online payment.
  7. All matters of dispute will be subject to the legal jurisdiction of Delhi only.
  8. Those applying for the reserved category seats (SC/ST/OBC/PH/CW) need to send self-attested photocopy of their applicable category certificate.
  9. All candidates are required to send the computer generated registration form, after online registration, along with the supporting documents to FMS latest by 21st December 2012.
  10. FMS uses CAT score for shortlisting the candidates for the above programmes. IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the programme.
  11. The eligibility criteria for CAT as set by the IIMs.
  12. The candidates should follow the CAT advertisement of IIMs for procurement of CAT Vouchers through designated branches of bank(s) and other designated places as indicated in the CAT 2012 advertisement.



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MBA / Management