on 03 December, 2012

VJTI presents Technovanza 2013

VJTI, Mumbai presents Technovanza, An Annual Techno - Management Event

Technovanza is the Annual Technomanagement Event organized by VJTI. The Objective of Technovanza is to educate people about the principles of Engineering and thus spreading the knowledge of Engineering and Technology to the society at large. Since 2001 when the first event was held, Technovanza has grown from strength to strength and it is now a highly anticipated event in the Institute’s calendar.

Dates : January 6-8, 2013
Venue : Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Matunga,

VJTI, Mumbai presents Technovanza, The Annual Technomanagement Event

Technovanza is the Annual Technomanagement Event organized by VJTI. The Objective of Technovanza is to educate people about the principles of Engineering and thus spreading the knowledge of Engineering and Technology to the society at large. Since 2001 when the first event was held, Technovanza has grown from strength to strength and it is now a highly anticipated event in the Institute’s calendar. The event’s popularity has grown in leaps and bounds over the years and last year close to 20000 people from all over the country attended the event, leading to its grand success. Technovanza is the platform for students to apply the theoretical knowledge they gather in class-rooms and use it practically by making exhibits that can explain engineering principles to lay people. It is a great opportunity for students to showcase their potential and helps them in two ways. They make the exhibits with their own hands and then explain the concepts to the people who visit their stalls. The confidence the students get in first developing a concept, developing the prototype and then demonstrating it in front of people, goes a long way in making them ready to face the real world. The three day event has a various activities which are of interest to all type of visitors, young and old who visit or participate in the event. The Conference provides a great platform for people to keep abreast of the latest developments. There are many lectures by eminent speakers and group discussions in which many experts take part. For students and youngsters who visit there are a lot of competitions in which they can take part and win prizes. Parents and elders can visit the Exhibition and understand how various gadgets which they use in every-day life work. To the under-privileged students in schools the social initiative Pratigya brings technology to their door-step and inspires them to become engineers tomorrow. The power of Technovanza is seen by the number of eminent personalities who take part each year. Over the years a lot of companies have shown keen interest in associating with the event and help us by sponsorships, which enable us continuously to improve the Event. And as the events grow in quality and size it becomes a news event and results in tremendous media coverage which adds to its popularity. It is our endeavor to make the 2013 edition a bigger and better one with high quality projects and a great seminar. It is my dream that Technovanza will be established in the years to come as a national event befitting the status of VJTI.


Dates : January 6-8, 2013
Venue : Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Matunga,



  • C-way
  • Java Guru
  • Code Swap
  • Technohunt
  • Ultimate Coder
  • Mission SQL
  • Crazy Coding
  • cryptext


  • Split Second
  • Robowars
  • Monster Arena
  • Wall-e
  • Flying Dutchman
  • Cable Crane
  • Master Of Puppets
  • Step Up
  • Prison Break


  • Armageddon
  • Catapult
  • Kinetize
  • Hydrojet


  • Bridge The Gap
  • Elevate
  • Bid To Build


  • Mission Mumbai
  • TPP
  • iCube
  • How Stuff Works
  • XCON
  • Poster Presentation


  • Unicus
  • Rs.50 Venture
  • Biz Quiz
  • Hire
  • Adomania
  • Consultant
  • S.C.a.M.
  • WallStreet
  • Webpreneur

Online Events

  • Myst
  • Algocrack
  • Webmaestro
  • Code in X


Impulse and Fun Events


  • Exhibition: Technovanza 2013 presents a gamut of exhibits extending from civil constructions to robotic exquisites, mechanical innovations to cutting edge electronic inventions. Taking the exhibitions to an axiom each year, Technovanza provides a platform to the students to showcase their technical skills, as well as to the society to witness the changing dimensions of technology. Capturing the spirit of invention, the 3-day display of a plethora of projects from diverse fields of technology grabs the attention of ample visitors, industrialists and the media covering Technovanza year after year. 
  • 'PRATIGYA' is our initiative to generate curiosity about technology in the young minds of school students and leave a social imprint on their minds. It is our effort to orient young minds towards the positives of Technology and the marvels of Engineering but more importantly our aim is to mould them into technologically responsible citizens for future.
  • VIWANDA: A Conference on Indian Manufacturing Competence. Theme of the conference is - Picture. Process. Produce. The conference brings to you the perfect blend of both, such that attendees are presented with an opportunity to listen to stalwarts in the field as well as put forth their own ideas. Unlike most college conferences Viwanda targets students as well as professionals, making for the perfect audience. The conference delves into great details, providing attendees with not just an overview but a deeper understanding of the topic area.



Ms.Priyanka Padmanabhan
Managing Director,
[email protected]

Mr. Swapnil Surve
Executive Director,
[email protected]

Mr.Ajay Gore,
Chief Marketing Officer,
[email protected]

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