on 04 September, 2013

How To Tip It In Your Favour

Being interviewed for a new position during Campus Placements is usually accompanied by a choking sense of fear and dread. Not being smart, having an intimidating interviewer, not able to formulate answers to even simple questions puts you into a shuttled environment. It’s true that the job interview is one of the most stressful events in the business world. But it’s one that you shouldn't avoid, no matter how stressful, because interviews are necessary. The only individuals who don’t have to confront the prospect of the Job Interview are those whose careers are going nowhere: you’re definitely not one of them.

“Learn to tip the outcome in your favour” are spoken words that changed my way of thinking. I’d like to share in my next few articles six different pointers I was made aware of on how to turn these shuttles into rightful opportunities. First pointer is - Why research on a company?

There are many good reasons to research on a company that may have invited you for an interview.

  • It shows your commitment towards the job.
  • Having consumed a lot of your ‘me’ time, shows the seriousness in your application and interest in the company.
  • You will be better informed than other candidates.
  • You have shown an initiative that demonstrates your intelligence and tenacity.
  • You will understand the need to fill the position.
  • It might make you think twice before proceeding
Thorough research about the company is always beneficial at the time of interview.

All companies go through similar organizational life cycles. A successful Startup moves a company into the period of growth. The company hits a wall. That’s the period of retrenchment. Further diversification and decline are the life cycles of the company that should be identified by you. This can help you focus on your moves, some of which later you may not be able to pull back.

Company Website is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to learn about a company. It not only tells you about the user-friendly organization, but also gives real insight into how they see themselves in the marketplace. Look a t the following specific areas.

  • Market Position: You need to know whether you are applying to a leading local company, a multinational or anything beechwala.
  • Names and Positions: A major list includes its CEO, directors and other chief officers along with keynote speeches they might have recently given.
  • Vacancies: The positions that need filling needn't be always many.
  • Products & Services: See for new releases i.e. ‘coming soon’ so that you can ask about it at your interview and demonstrate that you have an interest in them.
  • Company Report: This could give you a good handle on turnover, profitability, year-on year growth and other issues.
  • Press Contacts: If there is a link for media, this is the place where most of the news or breaking new stories can be found.
  • Ethics: This shows a company’s commitment to more than simply making profit for its shareholders.
  • Employee Events: Includes picnic, environmental programs, parties that are often celebrated together.

A company’s annual report gives the key achievements of the past year. It talks on performance of the company against its rivals, the strategy and the new products and services introduced by them. Newspapers speak it all, but to start from scratch one must target the library, internet, tv and radio stations to file press cuttings on the company. A visit to the company counts. A talk with employees, current or past at times, passes more knowledge than even the internet.

Every job and every organization is unique, but if ask around among your friends and colleagues, chances are you will find you known to someone who knows someone who is either in a position similar to one you’ve applied or one who is working in a similar sized company.

Finally after having pulled all your research information together, use this to gather it right. I would love to call it a Checklist of -

  • Visited website and familiar with content
  • Read and understood the company report
  • Reviewed and understood financial profile
  • Read press cuttings
  • Researched marketplace
  • Arranged company visit
  • Talked with line manager
  • Talked with other employees and current employee in position.

Researching a company is thus one of the most vital requirements before deciding the next step to the interview. So, research well and keep yourself rightly updated.

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