Siddharth Sharma
on 04 August, 2013

Interview with Bharat Acharya

This man needs no introduction. Well known for his mastery in Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, he has been one of the most sought after professors in the engineering fraternity in Mumbai University (MU). Known for his sheer dedication, immense popularity and ultra charming looks, he's none other than Mr. Bharat Acharya. Siddharth Sharma interviews the man for Stupidsid. Excerpts.

  * BE in Computer Engineering in 2000 from TSEC, Bandra, Mumbai University.
* Teaching Microprocessors & Micro-controllers, Computer Graphics and Computer Organisation since 14 years.


You've been teaching since 14 years now. What is it about MPMC that you're hung upon?

I am immensely attracted to the world of Computers. Being a kid of 70s & 80s era, I have seen the world practically transform from Stone Age to the Computerisation. Not only did I want to be a part of it, but also wanted to be actively instrumental in shaping up its future. And what better way than nurturing budding Engineers like you all!


What are the real life applications of this subject? Are you involved with industry apart from teaching?

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers rule the world around us. There are twelve of them in front of you in your computer, two in your mobile phone and around 20 in your house in various devices. Need I say more? Yes, I am actively involved in the industry as a consultant.


What do students find easy and tough in MPMC? How do you make them tackle with the tough parts?

There is nothing that’s “tough”! Once you get the concepts right, the Jigsaw always fits.


What is the best way to study this subject (a) for a topper and (b) for someone who just wants to pass?

I’m afraid I can't answer this question because I don’t believe in any of these schools of thought. Call me old school but I feel you study a subject to gain knowledge, to enjoy the science behind it. Year after year we have produced phenomenal results but that’s never been the primary goal. Once you satisfy your quest for knowledge, the marks will automatically follow!


Common mistakes that students make in this subject?

Trying to by-heart circuit diagrams and programs. Most programs have associated theory with it. First understand the theory, then the program will become very simple. For circuit diagrams, first understand the function of each pin individually. Lastly, in the exam, please write as fast as you can. Many students fall short of time in the exam and land up with an attempt of 75-80! That should never happen. Cut the jibber-jabber and keep your theory answers precise, draw diagrams fast and don’t be too adventurous in inventing programming logic in the exam!


Is there any different approach while studying for viva and written exams?

Absolutely! Viva is more about short, objective questions that are application oriented. Written paper is a different ball game altogether. It has designing, programs, circuit diagrams, timing diagrams, etc. We provide different study material for Viva and for theory exam including around 300 viva questions with answers.


Which books/notes would you like to suggest for this subject?

Only University reference text books like

  1. 8085 – Ramesh Gaonkar
  2. 8051 – Kennith Ayala
  3. 8086 – WD Hall, John Uffenbeck, Liu Gibson
  4. COA – William Stallings
  5. CG – Hern and Baker

I suggest students to refrain from using “Local” publications’ books because some of their answers are contradictory and may affect your marks. The notes I provide are strictly based on prescribed textbooks and “Intel” Manuals.


Any specific tips and tricks to avenge MPMC?

Find the right balance between work and play. Those who are already at the top, good work! Keep it going, don’t lose steam! Those who aren’t, no problem. Take it easy! Don’t set such high, that could be easily given up. Chose one subject at a time and aim to crack it in the next term-test or class test!. Believe me, once you get the sweet smell of success, you will never look back. Sometimes, the smallest victory can be a life-changing moment!


Would you like to add anything else?

Love your subject, respect your parents, honour your teacher and above all, believe in yourself. God Bless!

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Siddharth Sharma

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