Dr. Ambedkar College of Commerce and...
Wadala West , Mumbai | Affiliated to Mumbai University
2.9 8 reviews 0 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at DACCE
- B.Com in Bachelor Of Commerce Avg. cutoff: NA
- LLB in Bachelor Of Laws Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Sc in Information Technology Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Com in Banking and Insurance Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Dr. Ambedkar College of Commerce and Economics, (DACCE),Tilak Road Extension, Opp. Wadala Bus Depot , Wadala West ,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Phone: 91-22-24147798
Website: http://ambedkarlawcollege.in/
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

Martand Shandilya
just now
Faculty is very helpful and pays personal attention to every individual student though you will meet a few professors who don’t like too much of ‘friendliness’. Teaching wise, they are just about about average and communicate mostly in English.
just now
Faculty is very helpful and pays personal attention to every individual student though you will meet a few professors who don’t like too much of ‘friendliness’. Teaching wise, they are just about about average and communicate mostly in English.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

just now
Ambedkar College is a six storey building with a small playground on one side. There is another playground behind the college which is quite large. There is nothing else in the campus to boast about. Classrooms are spacious with comfortable benches. However they are not cleaned regularly and washrooms stink.
just now
Ambedkar College is a six storey building with a small playground on one side. There is another playground behind the college which is quite large. There is nothing else in the campus to boast about. Classrooms are spacious with comfortable benches. However they are not cleaned regularly and washrooms stink.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

Himanshu Walimbe
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

Captain Obvious
just now
Ambedkar College of Commerce and Law is located in Wadala West and is easily accessible by train and bus from all over Mumbai. Nearest station, Wadala (Harbour Railway), is a mere 10 minutes’ walk while its 10-15 minutes in a cab from Dadar Station. Wadala bus depot, bang opposite to the college, is the famous landmark for this institute. Apart from accessibility there isn’t anything great about the location. In fact the college is surrounded by a slum and you would rather avoid going to such areas.
just now
Ambedkar College of Commerce and Law is located in Wadala West and is easily accessible by train and bus from all over Mumbai. Nearest station, Wadala (Harbour Railway), is a mere 10 minutes’ walk while its 10-15 minutes in a cab from Dadar Station. Wadala bus depot, bang opposite to the college, is the famous landmark for this institute. Apart from accessibility there isn’t anything great about the location. In fact the college is surrounded by a slum and you would rather avoid going to such areas.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

Captain Obvious
just now
Canteen has just started and is extremely small. Students generally prefer Chinese food, only due to unavailability of any other edible food in the college or nearby.
just now
Canteen has just started and is extremely small. Students generally prefer Chinese food, only due to unavailability of any other edible food in the college or nearby.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

just now
Majority people come from nearby areas of central Mumbai. Many people are from vernacular medium. Some of the crowd is rowdy and creates trouble by getting involved in physical fights. However such activities are limited outside the college only and in the college everyone behaves decently.
just now
Majority people come from nearby areas of central Mumbai. Many people are from vernacular medium. Some of the crowd is rowdy and creates trouble by getting involved in physical fights. However such activities are limited outside the college only and in the college everyone behaves decently.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

Parth Paliwal
just now
For extracurricular and recreational purposes sports like cricket, football and volleyball are played. No festivals as such.
just now
For extracurricular and recreational purposes sports like cricket, football and volleyball are played. No festivals as such.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

just now
Students, who don’t want to spend a lot for their graduation studies, can join this college. It’s a good choice for central Mumbai student with marks on the lower side.
just now
Students, who don’t want to spend a lot for their graduation studies, can join this college. It’s a good choice for central Mumbai student with marks on the lower side.