Krishna Murthy Institute Of...
Rangareddy, Hyderabad | Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad
2.9 17 reviews 0 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at KMITE
- BE in Master Of Business Administration Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Software Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in VLSI Design Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Signal processing Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Krishna Murthy Institute Of Technology & Engineering, (KMITE),Survey.No. 23 & 39, Edulabad Village,Ghatkesar Mandal , Rangareddy,
Hyderabad, Telangana
Phone: 8415200303
Email: [email protected]
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
Faculty is said to be moderate with a few excellent professors and some really boring lecturers. Students say that Civil department has the best teachers compared to other departments at Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE). Communication of faculty is in fluent English and except while explaining a few Telegu-medium students in their local language, they prefer conversing in English.
on Mar 27, 2015
Faculty is said to be moderate with a few excellent professors and some really boring lecturers. Students say that Civil department has the best teachers compared to other departments at Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE). Communication of faculty is in fluent English and except while explaining a few Telegu-medium students in their local language, they prefer conversing in English.

chintan jain
on Jul 2, 2016
Coming to faculty: except a very few most of them are bad.
on Jul 2, 2016
Coming to faculty: except a very few most of them are bad.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
The campus is massive with a very impressive college building which hosts well-maintained computer labs and library which takes care of most of the needs for books. Although, Wi-Fi is not available, internet can be freely accessed in the digital library. There’s a sports ground which students are seen using after college hours. Civil and Mechanical labs are allotted separate blocks behind the sports ground.
on Mar 27, 2015
The campus is massive with a very impressive college building which hosts well-maintained computer labs and library which takes care of most of the needs for books. Although, Wi-Fi is not available, internet can be freely accessed in the digital library. There’s a sports ground which students are seen using after college hours. Civil and Mechanical labs are allotted separate blocks behind the sports ground.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is a relatively new institute and only a few batches have passed out till date. However, records are impressive and nearly 100 students get placed on-campus every year. The companies recruiting students are predominantly small to mid-level companies offering salaries between Rs. 100,000 to 250,000 per year. Most of those getting jobs are either from CSE or ECE departments and efforts are on to get more companies for Mechanical, Civil and EEE departments.
on Mar 27, 2015
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is a relatively new institute and only a few batches have passed out till date. However, records are impressive and nearly 100 students get placed on-campus every year. The companies recruiting students are predominantly small to mid-level companies offering salaries between Rs. 100,000 to 250,000 per year. Most of those getting jobs are either from CSE or ECE departments and efforts are on to get more companies for Mechanical, Civil and EEE departments.

on Oct 28, 2016
There are no on-campus placemets at all. Only 2% of the entire batch got placed. That is because of their talent and has got nothing to do with college.
on Oct 28, 2016
There are no on-campus placemets at all. Only 2% of the entire batch got placed. That is because of their talent and has got nothing to do with college.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Mar 26, 2015
Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering, fondly known as 'KITES', is located in Ghatkesar, a distant suburb in North-Eastern Hyderabad. It’s a 15-20 kilometre drive from Uppal, the nearest urban locality. Though RTC buses like 245A, 245J, 488, 490-494 and series of 280 buses ferry you up to the Ghatkesar Main Road, the college is a further 5 kilometres from there. More than two-thirds of the students prefer the college bus service which charges anything between Rs. 12,000-13,000 per year. Others use RTC buses and reach the college by taking share-autos from the main road. A few also commute by their own vehicles.
on Mar 26, 2015
Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering, fondly known as 'KITES', is located in Ghatkesar, a distant suburb in North-Eastern Hyderabad. It’s a 15-20 kilometre drive from Uppal, the nearest urban locality. Though RTC buses like 245A, 245J, 488, 490-494 and series of 280 buses ferry you up to the Ghatkesar Main Road, the college is a further 5 kilometres from there. More than two-thirds of the students prefer the college bus service which charges anything between Rs. 12,000-13,000 per year. Others use RTC buses and reach the college by taking share-autos from the main road. A few also commute by their own vehicles.
Top Hostels Reviews ALL Hostels REVIEWS

on Mar 26, 2015
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is remotely located, hostel facilities aren’t provided, probably because everyone wishes to stay around the area for the minimum possible period. However, private hostels are easily available in Ghatkesar area.
on Mar 26, 2015
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is remotely located, hostel facilities aren’t provided, probably because everyone wishes to stay around the area for the minimum possible period. However, private hostels are easily available in Ghatkesar area.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

on Mar 26, 2015
“The canteen is perhaps the worst thing about the college” says a group of students. It’s cramped up, doesn’t serve tasty food and doesn’t appear too hygienic either. Food varieties on offer can be counted on the tips of your fingers and to top it all, it’s expensive!
on Mar 26, 2015
“The canteen is perhaps the worst thing about the college” says a group of students. It’s cramped up, doesn’t serve tasty food and doesn’t appear too hygienic either. Food varieties on offer can be counted on the tips of your fingers and to top it all, it’s expensive!
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
There’s a little hutment bang opposite the gate of ACE Engineering College next door which the students fondly call ‘box-office’. It provides 2-3 half-broken benches to chill and relax apart from a few snack varieties and cigarettes. However, if this doesn’t sound exciting, it’s best to stay in college and head straight home in the evening.
on Mar 27, 2015
There’s a little hutment bang opposite the gate of ACE Engineering College next door which the students fondly call ‘box-office’. It provides 2-3 half-broken benches to chill and relax apart from a few snack varieties and cigarettes. However, if this doesn’t sound exciting, it’s best to stay in college and head straight home in the evening.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
The people here are ‘lively and friendly’ quotes a student of the college. Ratio of students coming from Hyderabad city to other parts of the state is nearly 50:50. About 10-20 students in the whole batch are from North Indian states.
on Mar 27, 2015
The people here are ‘lively and friendly’ quotes a student of the college. Ratio of students coming from Hyderabad city to other parts of the state is nearly 50:50. About 10-20 students in the whole batch are from North Indian states.
Top Campus Life Reviews ALL Campus Life REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
‘Tekzeon’ is the technical-cum-cultural festival of Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) celebrated sometime in August-September. It’s a day fest with one day dedicated to technical and cultural events each. Apart from Tekzeon, there are various department-level fests and workshops organized all round the year. There’s also a sports week in January encouraged by the college.
on Mar 27, 2015
‘Tekzeon’ is the technical-cum-cultural festival of Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) celebrated sometime in August-September. It’s a day fest with one day dedicated to technical and cultural events each. Apart from Tekzeon, there are various department-level fests and workshops organized all round the year. There’s also a sports week in January encouraged by the college.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
According to University rules, students are expected to maintain 75% attendance. However, there’s no strict action taken up to 65% attendance expect for a nominal fine of Rs. 300/semester. Those with attendance below 65% are given repeated warnings and scolded by professors but finally allowed to go as long as they’ve attended at least half the lectures. Those who fail to reach even the 50% mark need to have very strong reasons, apart from having a good academic record and a cordial relationship with teachers.
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is strict about disciplinary rules and a closed-gate system has been implemented. No student is allowed to enter or leave the campus within college timings, i.e., between 9:30am and 4:10pm.
on Mar 27, 2015
According to University rules, students are expected to maintain 75% attendance. However, there’s no strict action taken up to 65% attendance expect for a nominal fine of Rs. 300/semester. Those with attendance below 65% are given repeated warnings and scolded by professors but finally allowed to go as long as they’ve attended at least half the lectures. Those who fail to reach even the 50% mark need to have very strong reasons, apart from having a good academic record and a cordial relationship with teachers.
Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is strict about disciplinary rules and a closed-gate system has been implemented. No student is allowed to enter or leave the campus within college timings, i.e., between 9:30am and 4:10pm.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

on Mar 27, 2015
Although Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is nowhere to be found amongst the top engineering colleges in Hyderabad, it’s certainly a lot better than some of the worst colleges around.
on Mar 27, 2015
Although Krishnamurthy Institute of Technology and Engineering (KITE) is nowhere to be found amongst the top engineering colleges in Hyderabad, it’s certainly a lot better than some of the worst colleges around.

payal srivastava
on Sep 1, 2016
The bus are given free to all freshers and so, it is difficult to find and vacant seats for those who paid bus fees. OMG!
on Sep 1, 2016
The bus are given free to all freshers and so, it is difficult to find and vacant seats for those who paid bus fees. OMG!