abhinaba roy
on 12 April, 2017

Admission Process for Commerce & Arts Colleges

Admissions in Delhi

In Delhi, two universities - University of Delhi (DU) and GGS IP University (IPU) - are the most popular and sought after by students. Depending on what course you wish to take up, you need to understand and follow the admission process for that particular university. The University of Delhi offers courses like B.Sc. (Hons), B.Com, B.Com (Hons), BA (Hons) and more; on the other hand the IP University offers mostly the professional courses like BBA & BCA. There are a few more institutions and deemed universities which conduct admissions in their own way.

More on these below:

In Mumbai there is no centralized process so you need to fill the form form each and every college and also pay for each of them separately.

The procedure starts right after the results are declared.
This is how it goes:

  • Run to all the colleges that you want to apply for, to collect the forms. Be prepared to stand in the queue for quite sometime.
  • Fill up all the forms and submit them in the stipulated time. Every college has a different time frame.
  • Now wait for the lists to come up with the cut-offs. Mostly the colleges declare the lists on same dates, but that is not the case always.
  • If you are lucky enough to have your name in the list then go and pay up the fees defaulting which your seat will put back in the pool.
  • If you want to eat the cake and have it too, Mumbai University is the place to be as, you can reserve your seat in a college and then still wait for the next round lists to come. So if you get a college say ABCD in list 1, but you are more keen on getting college XYZ; what you do is pay up the fees in ABCD and wait for the XYZ list to come.
  • When the second list comes out and your name is luckily there in it then: If you haven't taken admission anywhere, then the procedure is straight forward, go and pay up the fees and submit the documents. But if you already had taken an admission somewhere else but want to go for the better option then you need to go the previous college (ABCD) and  cancel your admission and take back all your documents and submit it in the second college (XYZ).
  • Similar procedure for the following rounds.

*It is advisable to always fill up some colleges with lower cut-off so later you don't regret when you are left with no high rung college.
*If you are applying from the minority quota then the form for applying in it is different.
*There are many touts guaranteeing you admission, but it is advisable to not fall for them and adopt the legal way.

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abhinaba roy

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Admission Process