abhinaba roy
on 12 April, 2017

Admission Process for Jamia Hamdard Deemed University

Here' how it goes...

  1. The first step is to fill up this really long online application form which can be accessed on the website of Jamia Hamdard University (www.jamiahamdard.edu)
  2. In the first field you need to enter the courses you wish to opt for and the application fees depend on the number of the courses you apply to. 
  3. The remaining details are pretty simple and straightforward. Just that you need to be ready with your photographs and digital signatures of you and your parents/guardians if you wish to submit the form online itself.
  4. Once the tedious form is finally complete with all your particulars, you need to make the payment with your credit/debit card if submitting online or take a print out of the form, sign wherever necessary, stick photographs in the space provided and send it to the University along with a demand draft of the total amount.
  5. Next, you have to wait for the admit cards to be put up on the website and report to the concerned authorities if you are unable to access your admit card. Sort out any discrepencies max. to max. before 5 days from the entrance test.
  6. Most of your hardwork is over by now, except for appearing for the entrance test of course! Hope you do well!
  7. Within another two or three weeks, Jamia Hamdard University's website (www.jamiahamdard.edu) should be flooded with numerous selection lists - one each for every course.
  8. Find if your name appears in any of those lists depending on what courses you had chosen in your application form. If it does and if that's what you always wanted to do head straight to the Dean/Head of respective faculty/department with all your original documents and a demand draft of the presribed fees. 
  9. The concerned person will scan through your documents, verify the information with what you had filled in your application form and issue an authority slip once he/she is satisfied.
  10. Produce this slip at the Accounts section of Jamia Hamdard located in the Faculty of Science building, deposit your demand draft, collect your receipt and return home with a big smile on your face!

NOTE: If there are any vacancies another selection list is put up on the site and/or college notice board. If your name features on this list follow steps 8 to 10 above.

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abhinaba roy

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Admission Process