abhinaba roy
on 12 April, 2017

Admission Process for St. Stephen's College, Delhi University

The admissions at St. Stephen's College are done separately and not along with the centralized admission process of Delhi University (DU). Thus, it's a little different from what we have in DU; here the admissions are based on two components with the following weights:
(i)   Class XII marks :  85%
(ii)  Interview :   15%

The Application Process

(a) Online:

  1. Online application forms are made available on their website : www.ststephens.edu sometime in the first week of June. You need to check the college website frequently to stay updated with the exact dates.
  2. The first step, once the forms are out, is to create a new account using your email address and choosing a new password. Once you're in there's a simple form with a few fields marked mandatory that you have to fill up online itself.
  3. Before applying for the various courses, make sure you're eligible for each of them as each course demands a slightly different requirement.
  4. After you've completed the form, you'll have to pay the application fees to complete your registration. The payment can be done online through credit/debit cards as well as through cash at any branch of State Bank of India (only up to a day after you submit the application form)

(b) Offline:

  1. Admission Prospectus and printed application forms are made available in the College sometime in the first week of June. You need to check with the college authorities or visit their website www.ststephens.edu frequently to stay updated with the exact dates.
  2. Once the forms are out, go to the college and purchase the number of forms that you require depending on how many courses you wish to apply to. (You can apply to only one course through one application form.)
  3. Before applying for the various courses, make sure you're eligible for each of them as each course demands a slightly different requirement.
  4. After you've completed the form, you'll have to hand out the form at the designated counters in the College or send them through Speed Post.

Note: Use only one of the two modes (a) or (b) for all applications.

Cutoffs & Shortlisting For Interviews

About three to four days after the last date of submission of application forms, St. Stephen's College comes out with its Cut-Off lists. Shortly after that a list of candidates shortlisted for the Interview Round is put up on the College Notice Board and/or on the website.

The College interviews approximately four applicants per seat for Economics, History and English; five per seat for the BA Programme; and six per seat for Sanskrit, Philosophy and the Science courses.

What To Expect In The Interview Round?

Broadly speaking, an interview has the following components:
(a) Academic: The interview seeks to determine your academic potential and suitability for the subject chosen, beyond what is indicated by marks alone.
(b) Co-Curricular: The interview also seeks to determine your potential to participate in the co-curricular activities of the College and to contribute to its total life. The College does not have a separate extra-curricular activities (ECA) quota, but proficiency in ECA is taken into account during the interview.
(c) General Awareness and Sense of Values: The interview also seeks to determine your personal outlook, sense of values, level of awareness and motivation. Thus your statements on the admission form about yourself, your interests, goals etc. form vital interview material.

NOTE: You need to carry the following things for the St. Stephen's College Interview Round:

  1. Two copies of a recent passport size photograph.
  2. The slip acknowledging receipt of your application.
  3. Certificate of date of birth (normally the secondary school certificate).
  4. Subject-wise mark-sheet of the qualifying public examination
  5. And if applicable Baptism Certificate and a letter of recommendation from the parish priest concerned, SC/ST Certificate from a competent authority, Physical Disability Certificate, Equivalence Certificate

The list of applicants finally selected for admission will be put up on the Notice Boards in the College and on the College website by evening the day after the interviews for a particular course have been completed. A Waiting List in order of merit for different categories will be put up at the same time.

Those selected for admission should submit original certificates and two passport-sized photographs at the time of paying their fees and completing admission formalities.

Admission Under Sports Quota

If you're applying under the Sports category you have to fill a separate sports form (one per game), in addition to the standard main form. While submitting your forms, you need to:
i) Attach a photocopy of the sports form to your main form
ii) Attach photocopies of all your sports certificates to the original sports form.
If you're found to be eligible you have to report for the "Sports Trials" on the stipulated date along with the necessary sports equipment and a passport-size photograph. If you manage to convince the examiners, you'll be called for the interview which then follows same pattern as mentioned above.

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abhinaba roy

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Admission Process