Aniket Bhave
on 13 December, 2012


DAMN!! The alarm went off!!! I woke up startled as I rubbed my eyes vigorously and stared at the clock which screamed-Get up Sloth!!! Its 9 AM. The very next moment a moral epiphany struck me, I chuckled and resumed sleeping. The next paper was Environmental Studies-the only subject which has remained consistent in terms of syllabus right from the Primary section in school. Aree book kharidna hai re!!!  Well this is a fallacy and used by many to sound 'cool' by posing as careless. Relatively this subject is not respected but doesn't mean no one cares. If nobody bothered, they wouldn't show up at an examination.

Anyway, I am not aware as to why suddenly after a hiatus of 2 damn years, someone felt the youth should be made aware of the environment again. After HSC (I guess there was EVS in 12th) FE and SE went without 'educating' ourselves about the environment. Achanak se the Hon. University of Mumbai felt to introduce the subject of environment for Third year engineering students. I personally feel the university has some inexplicable affection towards the number 850. 75 marks fell short....EVS daal do!! Kudos!!!

To be honest I never expect anything much out of people or a University and both never disappoint me. The syllabus includes same old contents of air pollution, soil pollution, and water pollution, some global warming thing, and food chains-webs blah blah blah!!!  Same old stuff!!! """Preparation''''"" wise I am not aware what people will  actually bother to study for this 'exam' but the scenario for TE students is evident. Chilled out and just waiting to skate through this formality.

For this paper, why don't we all really study the environment. We can conduct field trips, go to nature parks and prepare projects and reports. Bhai, its an important part of our life-The great Environment. Let us all be fortunate to the Mumbai University for re-introducing us to Types of pollution and the effects of Population on various strata of life. We should thank the University for providing us an opportunity to know our surroundings better. Also The University has serious hopes from us youngsters that by  absorbing its prolific syllabus, we shall actually take steps in practicality to protect mother nature. Lets all be grateful to MU for giving us 75 marks of true intellect which we had forgotten due to our hectic schedules and busy lives. My POV towards this University has really changed in TE. They want us to care about the environment and be mavericks in assuring safety of our surroundings. No no, its not about adding 75 marks to fill up the 850 margin!!!  How foolish of me!! my bad!!!

So, let's all take a vow to study with our hearts, with full dedication and a sane mind and I am sure the subject of EVS will continue to enthrall young minds of 21 and inspire them to protect the surroundings.


P.S.: Those who failed to grasp the sarcasm out of this need serious VERY SERIOUS medical help.

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Aniket Bhave

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