on 19 February, 2013
Fee Hike
One Man’s Misery Is Another Man’s Business
- Annonymous
Education was a ‘noble’ profession until they decided to mix it with the money, I guess. It’s a pervasive business. Tuition classes, colleges and schools charge you under sweet names like ‘tuition fee’, ‘exam form charges’, ‘semester/unit term fees’. EXTORTION as a field in the application form is not a plausible option, right?
Anyway, seriously speaking every year some Shikshan Shulka Samiti announces a 10% rise in the fee. Okay! Increase the fee but aren’t we supposed to expect a better outcome? When I skated my way through school, the fees were around 15 to 20,000 per year. It was pretty much the same I am assuming for other schools too. What we were taught was way too less compared to “tuition fees”. The golden purpose of enlightening the minds has been digressed to filling up the pockets. When I saw a rough estimate of engineering fees across town, the first word that came to my mind was, well the ‘F’ word. Echo this thought folks -you people too were amazed at the colossal amount that came across your computer screens. I felt it must be technically extravagant that we are required to shell out such a huge sum until I realized it is kind of a scam.
Every year fees are rocketed to a jaw dropping amount. What we receive in return is anything but better faculty, improved lab equipment, better infrastructure and an improved course. Junior Colleges also have their fair share of extortion; pardon me, I meant ‘term fees’ through journals, lab equipments and rough sheets. The person who introduced the tinge of business in this profession was a smart diabolic mind. An exam form-a small piece of paper xeroxed is around 2 rupees but these guys sell it for 4-500. This is preposterous. Jaago Student jaago!
Under the name of fees, we are looted as students made to believe that by paying a fat sum we receive better quality education. I even read an article that in a Mumbai college, students protested against the incessant fee rise. The fee hike was stalled. Even if we receive better teaching faculty, the purpose is achieved. Even after paying 80-90,000 a year, we remain far from the satisfactory stage which is a sad situation.
Even an educational body like IIT recently announced a rise in its fees. This institute was established with a purpose of taking the country ahead, not bank balances of a few elite professors. This objective is on the verge of getting diluted now. In another news, many private medical colleges in Karnataka and other regions have increased their tuition fee. Isn't getting into medical course already stressful? And wasn't it already expensive? No wonder we have an EDUCATION LOAN. It is so bloody expensive that it's very obvious to introduce such schemes. I just now checked my tuition class is charging me around Rs. 8,000 for a subject that is going over my head.
Tough subject (I'm talking about myself) + Classes (can have a control) + Fat Amount (out of control)! *sniff* feels like a dirty plot, isn’t it?
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