Aniket Bhave
on 12 April, 2013


If you can't convince, confuse!

- Adolf Hitler

  Content in ITALICS are Thoughts of the Mind

If you happen to be in an Engineering College and if you witness a scenario where a student is flocked by his classmates; No, he is not a convict to some treacherous crime but is a victim of a 25 mark stupidity called VIVA. This typical scene is reminiscent of a celebrity being flanked by his dear fans and everyone wants to get a piece of this celeb.
How really does the interaction between the candidate and the professor go? it really the same in the mind?

No profound prognosis is needed for analysing a viva - We all know the end result. Let’s try to decode what really happens during this Viva!

Teacher (T) - Next candidate, please have a seat! (My next victim, there is your electric chair!)

Student (S) - Good morning professor. (Ya right, screw me quick and let me know.)

T - What all have you studied for the viva? (Let’s know the topics in which I can nail you.)

S - Basic Programming, electric circuits and microprocessors. (Aapne kabhi padha tha viva ke liye?)

T - Good! Good! So tell me the concept of 8255 IC. (How stupid do you think am I? Microprocessor padha? Don’t kid yourself.)

S - *thinks deeply* Screwing starts!

T - Okay! Next question. Tell me the concept of Inheritance. (Like I thought earlier. Don’t kid yourself little boy!)

S - It is well... A concept in C++ and Java related to classes and objects. (This shit was mugged up in Semester 2. Who the hell remembers what is happened years ago? I can barely remember what colour t-shirt I wore a day ago.)

T - Mr. Aniket, you are a computer student. You can barely remember a thing. Is this how an Engineer is? (This is fun!)

S - I know these are my branch related questions, professor. But I just know an overview. In detail, I actually do not quite remember much. (Me ghanta engineer)

T - Can you draw the basic block diagram of 8086? I want results now. I want answers! (This is MORE funnn!)

S - Yes Sure! *starts drawing* (You’re headed for disappointment. You want results? Yeah! Well, boo hoo! Some things just don’t materialise when you want them to.)

T - *checks drawing and shouts* KYA BANAAYA HAI? (This is all the MORE fun!)

S – Hmmm... (Even the F word is an understatement for you. I love my Mother and Sister but not yours. I drew it so neatly with all proper labelling and what not.)

T - Okay! Thank you. you may leave.  (Majja aa gaya!)

S - Thank you professor *smiles* (majje liye hoge saale ne!)

T - *smiles back* NEXT CANDIDATE! (You are not a chick to impress me with a smile. Oh, you naive boy!)

Oh boy! I am surely going to miss the vivas after my college days. The haphazard glancing through easy solutions, asking people what important questions are, getting an idea how strict the examiner and helping worried female colleagues by teaching them. No better moment to impress someone than in distress. Remember this, dear juniors, the best way to impress someone is when they are in trouble and you being the trouble - eradicater. This is disturbing but yes! This very helplessness and ignorance can work in your favour. The world runs this way. But seriously, viva is a very fruitful experience of dealing with people. How you present yourself, pretend to know stuff by jutting out confidence, act fake for a cause and manipulate your counterpart is all what we can learn from this 25 mark battle.

Till Next Time,

 Read numerours VIVA Questions which might help you face the examiner boldly.

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Aniket Bhave

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