Student Articles

A collection of articles written by a group of enthusiastic writers aboard Stupidsid. Some funny, some serious, some pointless rants, and other some unanimous frustration against the system. Here's all of it. Enjoy..!!

Anusha Thatipelli
on 28 August, 2012

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Relationships Are Cool (?!?!)

Moonlit sky, starry night, A ray of hope, a beam of light. And then

Shivang Menon
on 28 August, 2012

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Of Assignment, Submissions and Sucking up

And so the time had come, the time we bid farewell to our friends and buckled up for the new journey ahead, the time we embraced the new identity of engineering students. With high hopes and the...

Chetna Prabhu
on 28 August, 2012

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College Life - Some beautiful days

Why I don't want to grow up. I Remember those College days when my day used to start at 6 in the morning! Ah ! To Get up,get ready,rush to college by Train,Attend Lectures,Travel back...

Kaustubh Date
on 28 August, 2012

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How to choose the right engineering college. NOT.

Dear Engineering Aspirants, This article is specially for you guys. Today I'm going to discuss the most significant problem that you face after finishing your class 12th which is how to...

Rewa Phansalkar
on 25 August, 2012

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What Not To Do During Your Exams

Those exhilarating jitters. That tight, tight knot in your stomach that doesn’t seem to go away even after a hundred deep breaths. Those lovely feelings of anxiety, frustration and...

Aniket Bhave
on 25 August, 2012

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Every Class Has Such Students

I was on a forced hiatus courtesy the obsolete system’s functioning and me being trapped inside it. Anyway this is a humorous take on the atrangi species in a college. Here it goes. I...

Chetas Das
on 23 August, 2012

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The Viva Speil

Vivas are a prelude to the dreaded semester examinations. Just before the onset of the strenuous exam period comes this equally arduous week/fortnight that consists of endless submissions...

Vivek Venkatram
on 14 August, 2012

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Hardships of an Engineering aspirant

The process of becoming an engineer begins at a tender age. With the multitude of cheat codes i.e. coaching classes obtainable nowadays, the success rate of the students skyrockets. Inevitably,...

Rewa Phansalkar
on 13 August, 2012

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May I please study what I want to

This is not your conventional article. Not a blog either, nor a page full of career advice. Honestly, it is not much more than a rant. A frustrated teen's musings over options, choices,...

Aniket Bhave
on 13 August, 2012

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Survival in Engineering

Everybody makes mistakes. Be it as frivolous as missing your 8.03 train for a lecture because u got up late to as serious as choosing your career path. Ask any bloke or a missy for the...