Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s, College of...
Pune, Pune | Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
3.6 9 reviews 0 interested
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad fee
avg. undergrad salary
avg. undergrad salary
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad fee
avg. postgrad salary
avg. postgrad salary
Courses offered at
- B.Sc in Computer Science Avg. cutoff: NA
- MA in English Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Com in Bachelor Of Commerce Avg. cutoff: NA
- B.Com in Bachelor Of Business Administration Avg. cutoff: NA
- M.Com in Master Of Commerce Avg. cutoff: NA
- MA in Mass Communication and Journalism Avg. cutoff: NA
- BBA in Computer Application Avg. cutoff: NA
- BBM in International Business Avg. cutoff: NA
Location, address and contact
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s, College of Commerce, (),302/A Deccan Gymkhana , Pune,
Pune, Maharashtra
Phone: 020-25651410
Email: [email protected]
Top Faculty Reviews ALL Faculty REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
Although few students are found to attend lectures in the commerce dept, they seem to be happy with the teaching here. Senior professors with 5-10 years of experience form a major chunk of the faculty. Communication may be in English or Hindi as per the students' convenience. The science faculty comprises of more junior, less experienced teachers but they are said to be good at teaching.
on Jan 16, 2015
Although few students are found to attend lectures in the commerce dept, they seem to be happy with the teaching here. Senior professors with 5-10 years of experience form a major chunk of the faculty. Communication may be in English or Hindi as per the students' convenience. The science faculty comprises of more junior, less experienced teachers but they are said to be good at teaching.
Top Infrastructure Reviews ALL Infrastructure REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
The Marathwada Mitra Mandal's campus is sufficiently big and hosts numerous other sister institutes. MM College of Commerce (MMCC) is the first building seen as soon as you enter the campus. It’s a clean environment and the building bears modern look. "However, the library hasn't got enough places to sit. And the classrooms have some scope for improvement.", says a student from the college. "Who cares!!? No one wants to sit for the lectures anyway!!” says another.
on Jan 16, 2015
The Marathwada Mitra Mandal's campus is sufficiently big and hosts numerous other sister institutes. MM College of Commerce (MMCC) is the first building seen as soon as you enter the campus. It’s a clean environment and the building bears modern look. "However, the library hasn't got enough places to sit. And the classrooms have some scope for improvement.", says a student from the college. "Who cares!!? No one wants to sit for the lectures anyway!!” says another.
Top Placements Reviews ALL Placements REVIEWS

on Jan 15, 2015
A few companies do come for campus placements but only the toppers (about 10-12) get placed because only they are the ones who happen to satisfy the eligibility criteria set by the companies. Others have to hunt for jobs themselves or opt for higher studies.
on Jan 15, 2015
A few companies do come for campus placements but only the toppers (about 10-12) get placed because only they are the ones who happen to satisfy the eligibility criteria set by the companies. Others have to hunt for jobs themselves or opt for higher studies.
Top Location Reviews ALL Location REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
Marathwada Mandal's College of Commerce (MMCC) is located close to the famous and one of the most desirable areas Fergusson College Road. Commuting from any part of the city is a cakewalk as numerous PMT buses ply along FC Road. Yet, many of the students get their own bikes to college, perhaps because its a trend amongst all youngsters in Pune.
on Jan 16, 2015
Marathwada Mandal's College of Commerce (MMCC) is located close to the famous and one of the most desirable areas Fergusson College Road. Commuting from any part of the city is a cakewalk as numerous PMT buses ply along FC Road. Yet, many of the students get their own bikes to college, perhaps because its a trend amongst all youngsters in Pune.
Top Canteen Reviews ALL Canteen REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
The NESCAFE canteen is a favorite of the students and they are found to be munching on tasty Maggi noodles. There’s another canteen which gives you the feel of a railway yard. It provides average food quality and looking at the prices one would avoid it. A sada dosa costs Rs. 30/-
on Jan 16, 2015
The NESCAFE canteen is a favorite of the students and they are found to be munching on tasty Maggi noodles. There’s another canteen which gives you the feel of a railway yard. It provides average food quality and looking at the prices one would avoid it. A sada dosa costs Rs. 30/-
Top Hangouts Reviews ALL Hangouts REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
Most of the students linger around on FC Road itself, because its filled with small snack joints to big restaurants.
on Jan 16, 2015
Most of the students linger around on FC Road itself, because its filled with small snack joints to big restaurants.
Top Crowd Reviews ALL Crowd REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
The science crowd is mixed in the sense that exactly half the people are study-oriented and the other half are fun-oriented. The commerce crowd is said to be a little notorious and small fights keep erupting over unimportant issues.
on Jan 16, 2015
The science crowd is mixed in the sense that exactly half the people are study-oriented and the other half are fun-oriented. The commerce crowd is said to be a little notorious and small fights keep erupting over unimportant issues.
Top Attendance Reviews ALL Attendance REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
MM College of Commerce (MMCC) is not all that strict when it comes to the attendance part. Mere 25-30% attendance should get you through. The trick is to attend the last few lectures you remain in the good books of the professors when it’s time for the defaulters list to be out. The science dept (B.Sc.) is however, the exact opposite with 80% mandatory requirement for attendance, failing which parents are called and in extreme cases students are not allowed to appear for exams. In one very extreme case the student was rusticated.
on Jan 16, 2015
MM College of Commerce (MMCC) is not all that strict when it comes to the attendance part. Mere 25-30% attendance should get you through. The trick is to attend the last few lectures you remain in the good books of the professors when it’s time for the defaulters list to be out. The science dept (B.Sc.) is however, the exact opposite with 80% mandatory requirement for attendance, failing which parents are called and in extreme cases students are not allowed to appear for exams. In one very extreme case the student was rusticated.
Top Verdict Reviews ALL Verdict REVIEWS

on Jan 16, 2015
Low attendance requirement coupled with good faculty and an awesome location makes MMCC one of the most desirable colleges for Commerce in Pune. But a small glitch is the crowd and campus life which aren't anything to boast about. The science students don’t really have much of a reason to come here, even though its name falls under the top few colleges.
on Jan 16, 2015
Low attendance requirement coupled with good faculty and an awesome location makes MMCC one of the most desirable colleges for Commerce in Pune. But a small glitch is the crowd and campus life which aren't anything to boast about. The science students don’t really have much of a reason to come here, even though its name falls under the top few colleges.