abhinaba roy
on 12 April, 2017
on 12 April, 2017
Delhi University Entrance Exams.
There are some courses in Delhi University (DU) for which you need to appear for a course specific entrance exams. So in case your are interested in any of the following course then please remember that just taking the 12th std exams aren't enough.
- CATE (Combined Aptitude Test for English)
- C-JET (Combined Entrance Test for Journalism)
- BBS (Bachelor of Business Studies), BFIA (Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis), BA Business Economics
- Bachelor's of Elementary Education
The forms for each of these course is different, and you have apply also differently. These forms arent available along with the normal DU forms. The exams are usually held in the month of June.
Students are advised to follow the DU site carefully for the notification of these exams.
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