Student Articles
A collection of articles written by a group of enthusiastic writers aboard Stupidsid. Some funny, some serious, some pointless rants, and other some unanimous frustration against the system. Here's all of it. Enjoy..!!

on 12 June, 2014
Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Don’t be fooled by the name, you’re not going to be designing cellphones or erecting mobile towers. The course work in EXTC involves an in-depth study of electronic...

on 11 June, 2014
Electrical Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Although Electrical Engineering isn't as popular as it once used to be, it is one of the core branches of engineering and basically focuses on study and application of...

on 11 June, 2014
Computer Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Arguably the most popular branch for engineering currently, Computer Engineering sees the highest of cutoffs everywhere. This makes some sense, considering the huge number of...

on 11 June, 2014
Civil Engineering - Course Description & Course
Description: When you think of Civil engineers, you immediately picture a person wearing a hard hat and steeltoed shoes – standing on a construction site and directing the labour to...

on 11 June, 2014
Chemical Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Chemical engineering, mind you, has very little to do with chemistry. You’re not going to be learning any details about chemical reactions and organic chemistry, like you...

on 11 June, 2014
Biomedical Engineering - Course Desciption & Scope
Description: A very specialized engineering domain, but having a very vague syllabus!! You can be forgiven for thinking that you’ll end up designing ECG machines, Defibrillators, X ray...

Sandeep Dash
on 03 June, 2014
Lovely But Unprofessional University
Two days back I got a call from two of my friends at 2 PM in the afternoon to tell a tale of two students. As I realized later, unfortunately those two students were the callers...

on 13 May, 2014
Mismanagement by MU costs students heavily
Much touted Mumbai University’s electronic assessment of engineering papers has been facing some flak by the students. What was said to be an advanced approach towards paper correction has...

Utsav Jambusaria
on 03 February, 2014
The Evolution of Education
Education has come a long way. From sitting beneath the Shade of sacred banyan trees and reciting shlokas, to rote learning definitions with your head in your hands. From having to walk miles...

Mayank Sharma
on 03 January, 2014