Student Articles
A collection of articles written by a group of enthusiastic writers aboard Stupidsid. Some funny, some serious, some pointless rants, and other some unanimous frustration against the system. Here's all of it. Enjoy..!!

Mayank Sharma
on 22 September, 2013
Aptitude test - Option or Compulsion?
The dictionary meaning for aptitude is ‘natural ability to do something’. After coming into the final year of engineering, I realised that people give utmost

Siddharth Sharma
on 14 September, 2013
When I Got Into Vakil's 'Khopdi'...
Well, I always wanted to know everything about him but was apprehensive that he may not entertain me. With the series of interviews of popular professors at Stupidsid, I inched closer to my...

on 12 September, 2013
Baba Ranchodas Of BEE - Hitesh Mehta
He believes teaching is fun. He dances on sine waves, entertains as well as educates at the same time with great finesse. This man has excelled at the art of teaching for over 28 years. Cool...

Campus Diaries
on 11 September, 2013
Internships, What Do They Really Mean?
Experience Shared By: Angana from Jain Centre of Management Systems (CMS), Bangalore Description: The Woes of a Media Student Girl 1 - "Dude, I’m going to be so freaking...

Prakhar Singh
on 09 September, 2013
Privatisation of Education
Establishment of Private Universities has been a major milestone in the field of higher education in India. The concept of self financed private universities, established by private players...

Utsav Jambusaria
on 09 September, 2013
Minutes to Midnight
Why EVS? Why AGAIN!? Most of us would have been left scratching our heads there. Because EVS is back. 5th semester, for us of the 2009 revised syllabus at least. It's a...

on 04 September, 2013
How To Tip It In Your Favour
Being interviewed for a new position during Campus Placements is usually accompanied by a choking sense of fear and dread. Not being smart, having an intimidating interviewer, not able to...

Alok Sharma
on 28 August, 2013
The Story Of A VIVA!
- ''Hello, what’s your name ??'' ''Sir, Alok.'' - ''Okay, so sir Alok, are you prepared ? What did you study ? “<Are you kidding...

on 27 August, 2013
Force, Truss And Ramkumar..
Ramkumar Agarwal, popularly known as the Baadshah of Mechanics, belives that if one develops a passion for learning, he will never cease to grow. Studied from the very first engineering college...

Mayank Sharma
on 26 August, 2013