Student Articles
A collection of articles written by a group of enthusiastic writers aboard Stupidsid. Some funny, some serious, some pointless rants, and other some unanimous frustration against the system. Here's all of it. Enjoy..!!

on 11 September, 2014
Take What You Get..
In the recent years, there have been hospital visits for my family. My dad had an kidney stone operation some two years back. My mom had to remove her appendix a year ago. My big brother too was in...

Sonika Shriwastav
on 02 September, 2014
Techmax - The Bible for Engineering Students?
The other day we had a Systems Programming exam. A day before it everyone was running helter-skelter to catch hold of a book to study for it. I was no different. Thoroughly bewildered about what...

Pearl Ray
on 02 September, 2014
Misconceptions about Chemical Engineers Cleared!
It is ironic how the word ‘Chemical’ in chemical engineering brings about the confusions that fence this profession. It is true that a chemical engineer does work with chemicals and should have a...

on 28 August, 2014
To be or not to be; is that the question?
There comes a time in our college life when we utterly and thoroughly avoid family functions, relative get-togethers and prolonged chats with our parents. Not because of the usual attempts to avoid...

Sandeep Dash
on 07 July, 2014
Kota's suspected propotionality with IITs
We caught up with Amit Sinha, IIT Admit from Mumbai who scored a whopping 315/360 in his JEE Mains Examination this year. Amit tells us about life in Kota, the dream and the...

on 13 June, 2014
Production Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Although sometimes labelled 'the poor man's Mechanical', Production Engineering has an identity of its own.The course is one of a kind that covers both, Technical as...

on 13 June, 2014
Mechanical Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest and broadest fields. Almost every company that designs and manufactures a product employs mechanicals engineer. Just for simplicity,...

on 12 June, 2014
Instrumentation Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: The first word that every Instrumentation Engineer would utter is ‘measurement’. Every industry or perhaps every activity in this world needs measurements like...

on 12 June, 2014
Information Technology Engineering - Course Description & Scope
Description: Although Information Technology inexplicably gets somewhat stepbrotherly treatment as compared to Computer Engineering (in terms of cutoffs), the course structure of both is...

on 12 June, 2014